It strikes me that, amid all the hype and hoo-hah this week surrounding a certain author, we need to remember that promise. Teachers -- true and false -- come and go; they have done so for centuries, and few have made any lasting mark, let alone those who write paperback potboilers. But the church...
On Sunday I am preaching on the miracle of the new birth from John 3. This evening I found some wonderful words from Warren Wiersbe which are in his commentary on 1 Peter, Be Hopeful : This miracle [the new birth] all began with God: we were chosen by the Father (Eph. 1:3-4). This took place in the...
Does this mean Harold Camping will repent and romove himself from the airwaves on May 22, 2011?
There is a sense in which the church owes a debt to heresy. Don't misunderstand. We should never be thankful for false teaching which leads God's people astray. False teachers are clearly condemned in Scripture. But we also know just how easily sound doctrine devolves into a kind of dead orthodoxy...
Kevin DeYoung and Denny Burk have posted their reviews of Rob Bell's Love Wins. I strongly encourage you to read both reviews. They are models of thoughtful engagement and sound theology. Kevin's Review HERE . Denny's Review HERE . Denny Burk also references Richard Mouw's review of Love Wins. Dr...
Mike Witmer has an excellent post demonstrating the problem with Rob Bell's promo video for Love Wins . You see, many folks will view that video (or read the book or hear Bell speak) and be persuaded, not because of the truthfulness of the position but by the power of the narrative. Several years...
That's right, we're still on the same topic. The bigger issue with denying hell as Rob Bell does in Love Wins... Okay, okay, I know he says he believes in "hell" but he is using a radically different dictionary. For Bell, hell is not the just punishment of a holy God poured out on the unrepentant...
Rob Bell has been making the rounds. He's been on Good Morning and America and on MSNBC with Martin Bashir. What is fascinating is the clarity that Mr. Bashir seems to possess concerning Rob Bell's project. [youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vg-qgmJ7nzA]
"At some point, people need precision in our thinking. Provocation has its place. Ambiguity serves a purpose. But the work of the preacher is to present the gospel in an open statement of the truth (2 Cor. 4:2). Sooner or later people in the media, people in the hospital bed, people in the pews...
On Sunday I preached part 8 in our series God's Great Story: How the Gospel Changes Everything . It is entitled "The Life-Giving God" and can be listened to or downloaded HERE .