The latest edition of The White Horse Inn features a discussion with Kevin DeYoung about Heaven and Hell. Take a listen HERE . Also read this post by Michael Horton regarding Rob Bell's most recent denials of the biblical teaching about hell.
Check out these helpful resources from Monergism. Also, take time to read this article by Robert Reymond which utterly refutes the idea of inclusivism.
Westminster Bookstore is offering two excellent books from Tim Chester for only $15 (42% off!). I highly recommend both Delighting in the Trinity and From Creation to New Creation .
At the 2008 Together for the Gospel conference R.C. Sproul delivered an extraordinary message on the nature of Christ's atonement as anticipated through the Old Testament sacrificial system. It is a powerful antidote against the current trend to deny the substitionary atonement of Jesus. The...
I am really wanting a copy of Crossway's The Four Holy Gospels illustrated by Makato Fujimura. The above painting is Fujimura's attempt to capture something of the Bible's shortest verse - "Jesus wept" (Luke 13:34). You can read his reflections on the text and this particular work HERE .
From a sermon preached by John Piper on Romans 2:6-10 : I feel such a burden for us as a church to swim against the tide of almost every current in our culture. More and more and more, America is a nation given over to play. The industries of play are huge! Houses are built today with entertainment...
Chris Gordon has written a helpful article concerning Harold Camping's possible motive behind his latest prediction about Christ's return. As many of you know, Camping and his unfortunate followers are proclaiming May 21, 2011 as the return of Christ and the end of the age. In the article Gordon...
Infants do not induce, or cooperate in, their own procreation and birth; no more can those who are “dead in trespasses and sins” prompt the quickening operation of God’s Spirit within them (see Eph. 2:1–10). Spiritual vivification is a free, and to man mysterious, exercise of divine power (John 3:8...
I was hoping Mike Horton would review Rob Bell's newest book. It is a thoughtful review which sets Bell's understanding of the gospel and heaven and hell in historical context. Horton also, appropriately, challenges Bell's habit of asking rhetorical questions in a way that mitigates against any...
Christian Audio is offering John Piper's very helpful Jesus: The Only Way to God in audio format free of charge. Check it out HERE .