[vimeo 21653139 w=400 h=225] Justin Taylor Interview - Russell Moore, "Tempted and Tried" from Crossway on Vimeo . Tempted and Tried by Russell Moore HT: Justin Taylor
Over at Ref21 Carl Trueman suggests serveral reasons why Protestants convert to Roman Catholicism: 1. A sense of awe and liturgical tradition in much (not all) Roman Catholic worship that is lacking in evangelical Protestantism. 2. A disillusion with the lack of ecclesiology in much of...
[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x-6VLUVglG8&w=460&h=375]
[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pyfR0AsRaX4&w=460&h=289]
Ligonier's Table Talk Magazine has published a breif interview with Al Mohler that is worth reading. The first question deals with the historic turn around of Southern Baptist Theological Seminary which occured under the leadership of Dr. Mohler. TT: In 1993, shortly after your appointment as...
Not long after we moved to the Philadelphia area my wife and I began a tour of some of the small groups in our church. During one of our visits my wife was asked how she felt about being married to the pastor. Her reply was simple and insightful: "I feel like my husband has a target on his back."...
That is how Al Mohler describes Florida pastor Terry Jones' now infamous act of Qur'an burning. Pastor Jones is not wrong to see Islam as a way that leads millions of people away from the message of the Gospel and thus to spiritual death. But he did not reach out with the Gospel message; he simply...
[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oavMtUWDBTM&w=460&h=375]
Zondervan is close to releasing a new volume by Greg Allison entitled Historical Theology: An Introduction to Christian Doctrine . In the introduction Dr. Allison explains the benefits of knowing the history of Christian doctrine: 1. It helps to distinguish orthodoxy from heresy. 2. It provides...
Watch the messages from the 2011 Gospel Coalition HERE .