David Wells, author of the indispensable No Place for Truth was interviewed for the most recent edition of Tabletalk Magazine . It is worth reading. The first question posed to Dr. Wells was, "Besides the Bible, what has been the most influential book you have read this past year?" Now, when a man...
[vimeo http://www.vimeo.com/17351126 w=400&h=225] Gospel Coalition Q & A from Realityla on Vimeo .
This week's message was entitled "Our International Anthem" and was taken from Psalm 96. You can listen to or download it HERE .
Ross Douthat offers wise commentary on the mysterious motives of the Tuscon shooter. Along the way he gives a timely rebuke to those who seek to assign blame for political advantage. But chances are that Loughner’s motives will prove as irreducibly complex as those of most of his predecessors in...
"The pulpit is the Thermopylae of Christendom: there the fight will be lost or won. "To us ministers the maintenance of our power in the pulpit should be our great concern, we must occupy that spiritual watch-tower with our hearts and minds awake and in full vigor. It will not avail us to be...
[vimeo http://www.vimeo.com/18468741 w=400&h=225] R.C. Sproul Discusses the Issue of Abortion from Ligonier on Vimeo .
Kevin DeYoung has an excellent post on the importance of moral language in the face of such events as Saturday's mass murder in Tuscon. I have no doubt Loughner is messed up, crazy, off his rocker, and out to lunch. It seems that he’s needed help for a long time. But why jump to conclude that this...
WTS Bookstore has a great deal on an excellent resource by Paul Tripp. The DVD series, Getting to the Heart of Parenting is now only 14.99 (75% off!).
This morning I read a report on the tragic suicide of Bill Zeller, the 27-year-old son of fundamentalist preacher George Zellar. Bill was a Ph.D candidate at Princeton University and a well known internet programmer. In his suicide letter, Zeller reveals for the first time that he was the victim of...
"Theistic evolution is a biblical and theological disaster." So writes Dr. Al Mohler in the latest edition of magazine of Southern Seminary. The theme of the current edition is "Ex Nihilo," or "out of nothing." Check it out and pay special attention to the following articles: The New Shape of the...