Al Mohler addresses two of the most recent (but not uncommon) horrors coming out of the abortion industry. The bottom line is that once the legality of abortion is accepted, it is difficult to provide a reason why any abortion for any reason ought not be provided. Abortion also makes arguments...
James Lankford (R-OK) is a friend from my youth ministry days in Oklahoma. James is an intelligent and passionate man. I am very glad that he is a representing his state in the US House of Representatives. May his voice be multiplied! [youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4CdTnKWury0]
For the excellent book For the Fame of God's Name: Essays in Honor of John Piper , Justin Taylor composed a chapter on the great work John Piper has done in properly framing abortion as a theological as well as ethical issue. Taylor writes: Evangelicalism—in the Reformed camp or elsewhere—is not...
Bart Ehrman, a New Testament scholar who rejects most of the New Testament, is, ironically enough, a graduate of both Moody and Wheaton. He is also the go-to guy for the media when they are looking for a "Christian" to bash Christianity. Ehrman's books sell well and many nice church-going folks...
If you lack the conviction or the courage to stand up and say to your church, who you are accountable to lead, “It is wrong to kill unborn babies, God hates it and God will judge it,” then you should not be a pastor. If you don’t have the guts to say “These are children—we must stop killing them”...
When you get a chance, take time to read Francis Beckwith's excellent explanation of Roe v. Wade and America's abortions laws.
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Well, it will not be surprising if the national media conveniently neglects the unholy and very clear nexus between pro-choice politicians, local bureaucrats, and monsters like Kermit Gosnell. Michelle Malkin writes: In the City of Brotherly Love, hundreds of babies were murdered by a scissors-...
Michael Horton's long anticipated systematic theology is now available. Very stoked! [youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7rZV9XhFRLY]
Michael Horton on his outstanding book A Place for Weakness : [youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cv8uXj_oefo] I reviewed A Place for Weakness for the the Gospel Coalition. Check it out HERE .