Read C.S. Lewis. You will surely benefit from him. I remember reading Mere Christianity for the first time. It is a classic for good reason. However, we must be careful that in our reading of Lewis we read discerningly. This is particularly true of Mere Christianity . It reveals that Lewis was,...
This week's message was part 2 in our current series God's Great Story . It is entitled "The Saving God" and is based upon Genesis chapters 2 and 3. You can listen to or download it HERE .
"Over the years, millions of our African-American children—destroyed by the practice of abortion. No racist, no Klu Klux Klansman, no Nazi could have come up with a more effective way of carrying out their bio-ideology of genocide against blacks than what has happened here. And I think that those...
It seems inevitable that organizations will become either more narrow and sectarian or more mainstream and secular, which will lead to fundamental realignments within the evangelical world. Those institutions that cherish their place at the cultural table will have to accept the legitimacy of...
[vimeo http://www.vimeo.com/19390528 w=400&h=225] What do you most want in a church? from 9Marks on Vimeo . [vimeo http://www.vimeo.com/18973813 w=400&h=225] "Reverberation," Jonathan Leeman from 9Marks on Vimeo .
Specifically, it matters that Adam was a genuinely historical figure. On Sunday I preached a message dealing with Genesis chapters two and three. One of the things that becomes quite clear is that Adam and the fall are, indeed must be historical realities. This is confirmed by Paul in Romans five...
[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L9Zj9yx2j0Y] From Denny Burk : Planned Parenthood is the largest abortion provider in the U.S. Their business is death, and their abortion mills are a moral outrage. Lila Rose’s “Live Action” group has released more than a dozen hidden camera videos from ten...
It seems that Ms. magazine has a problem with the reason some babies are aborted in India. That's right, that paragon of feminist empowerment has an issue with "the why" behind abortions in another country. You see, it is rather in vogue these days for Indians to kill female babies, er remove fetal...
[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fdLzSdQhFhA]
Peter Kreeft (Roman Catholic): Most Protestants reject all Catholic doctrines they cannot find explicitly in Scripture–for example, Mary’s Assumption into heaven–because they believe sola scriptura: that Scripture alone is the infallible authority. This is the fundamental reason behind all the...