There is always a danger that when we begin to see fruit in our lives, we’ll subtly begin to rely on that fruit for our salvation, instead of on Christ. Guard against that temptation, Christian. Realize that the fruit you bear is merely that — the fruit of a tree already made good by God’s grace in...
Yet another little problem for Planned Parenthood. This time it is a clinic in Virginia that is extending its benevolence to a pimp and his "girls." [youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0iMScbJJS2g]
According to Harold Camping, Jesus will rapture his church on May 21, 2011. That event, according to premillinial dispensationalists will touch off a seven year Great Tribulation which will be followed by the return of Christ and his 1,000 year earthly reign. Many who have thankfully tuned out the...
[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q312Diuf_yM]
Recently, Carl Trueman was interviewed by Michael Reeves on the subject of doctrine. Take time to give it a listen HERE . I think as Christians we are exhorted by Paul to study the Scriptures, to pay heed to the form of sound words that is being passed on. So, clearly Paul understands the Christian...
Last Sunday's sermon was part 3 in our series entitled God's Great Story . It is entitled "The Covenant God" and is taken from Genesis chapters 12, 15, 17, and 22. You can listen to or download it HERE .
This Sunday I am preaching on the subject of God as the Giver of the law. In studying, I ran across a helpful restatement of the 10 Commandments by D.L. Moody. 1. Love to God will admit no other gods. 2. Love resents everything that debases its object by representing it by an image. 3. Love to God...
I love reading Carl Trueman. He makes me laugh. He makes me think. But it is clear that my project to 'Americanize' him are failing badly. Carl's latest post at Ref21 betrays a fundamental lack of understanding regarding the game of football (and by "football" I mean the real sport played by large...
The Use of Daniel in Jewish Apocalyptic Literature and in the Revelation of St. John by Greg Beale. Okay, so it probably won't sell as many copies as Your Best Life Now . But Dr. Beale is one of the better scholars to read when it comes to understanding the New Testament's use of the Old Testament...