A few new titles I am particularly interested in... City of Man: Religion and Politics in the New Era Republocrat: Confessions of a Liberal Conservative Ephesians (BECNT) 40 Questions About Christians and Biblical Law
Justin Taylor - Assessing the New Perspective on Paul Al Mohler - Should Christians Practice Yoga? Andy Naselli - D.A. Carson Audio "Doom and Gloom" or A premill. dispensationalist writes a song Evangel - The Self-Obsessed Frank Schaeffer
Al Mohler calls our attention to a USA Today article by Michael Shermer. Shermer, the publisher of Skeptic Magazine is an enthusiastic atheist and, therefore, evolutionist. In the article referred to by Mohler, Shermer seeks to explain how such deep love as that of a parent for a child is explained...
Thanks to Ray Ortlund for posting this: “None are more exposed to slanders and insults than godly teachers. This comes not only from the difficulty of their duties, which are so great that sometimes they sink under them, or stagger or halt or take a false step, so that wicked men find many...
The Baker Exegetical Commentary on the New Testament is an outstanding series. For a limited time WTSBookstore is running a great special on these volumes. The newest volume on Ephesians by Frank Thielman is now available for only $24.74 (45% off!) The current set (15 volumes) is available for $440...
What is moral? What is good? What gives value to life? What makes any life valuable? I could go on but those are questions that science is hopeless to answer. Don't misunderstand. I am profoundly grateful for competent scientists. Every time I turn on a light or feel the cool air of an air...
Some of you will be overjoyed by this post thinking that it represents the dawning of change in my political perspective (which it does not). Others of you will get angry, having the same thought. So, here goes... Over at Ref21 my friend Carl has posted what I believe is a very balanced and...
TGC Reviews has just posted my review of Michael Horton's A Place for Weakness . One of the things I appreciate about Michael Horton is that he writes both for the academy and also the congregation. It’s a mark of a good theologian to do both well. Horton is a professor of apologetics and theology...
[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8bVblNA3drM&fs=1&hl=en_US]
On Sunday morning we were pleased to welcome once again Paul Tripp . His sermon was entitled "Amazement Vs. Faith" and was taken from Mark 6:45-52. At the Vine on Sunday evening I preached a message from Psalm 96 entitled "Our International Anthem." I would encourage you to listen to both messages...