The fires of debate among Christians concerning evolution have been getting a lot of fuel lately. In one corner is Biologos which has been seeking to convince evangelicals to embrace evolution and deny the Scripture's inerrancy. In the other corner are Al Mohler, the Discovery Institute, and many...
The guys at Reformed Forum do great work. They have recently taped a discussion with Carl Trueman and Peter Lillback on the subject of Christianity and politics. The video below is an excerpt. The entire discussion can be listened to or downloaded HERE .
Long Story Short is an excellent new book of family devotions by Marty Machowski. Marty is the Family Life Pastor at Covenant Fellowship in Glenn Mills, PA. I was kindly sent an advanced copy of the manuscript and can tell you that it is extremely well done. It is designed to assist parents in...
Unbelief is not a lesser kind of sin than, say, adultery. Unbelief is not a passive position whereby the doubter is simply waiting for belief in God to become a more reasonable choice. The Bible is clear. Unbelief is deliberate and damnable sin. It is the fruit of a hard heart. Don't misunderstand...
Do not admit a charge against an elder except on the evidence of two or three witnesses. - 1 Timothy 5:19 None are more exposed to slanders and insults than godly teachers. This comes not only from the difficulty of their duties, which are so great that sometimes they sink under them, or stagger or...
[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HJcwjZYZPaw&fs=1&hl=en_US]
This singing of the Hallelujah Chorus occured last Saturday at the old Wanamaker building. For those of you who do not know, the Wanamaker has one of the world's largest pipe organs. Very cool!
I love the art of Makato Fujimora. I was actually a bit surprised when I first saw his work and was immediately drawn to it. I am a lover of representational art. I also appreciate the work of the great impressionists. But I have never had much of an appreciation for "contemporary" or abstract art...
If you are discipling a newer (or even not so new) believer then I cannot recommend highly enough Stephen Smallman's excellent book The Walk . Smallman wrote it for the very purpose of two people to work through together. It is structured in three main divisions: Part One: The Basics 1. What is a...