Resource for Family Devotions

Long Story Short is an excellent new book of family devotions by Marty Machowski. Marty is the Family Life Pastor at Covenant Fellowship in Glenn Mills, PA. I was kindly sent an advanced copy of the manuscript and can tell you that it is extremely well done. It is designed to assist parents in taking their children through the major movements of the biblical narrative with an eye toward the central doctrinal and devotional themes.

“Long Story Short is the best material for family devotions I’ve ever seen. If you’re looking for something careful, creative, and Christ-centered—without being corny, confusing, or condescending—look no further. Pastors would be wise to buy this book by the boxful and get a copy into the hands of each family in their church.”
- Justin Taylor, Blogger (Between Two Worlds); managing editor of the ESV Study Bible

“This is simply an outstanding book, and Christian families need it right now. I have never seen a devotional book that is so well suited to family devotions and to children, even as it is faithful in relating biblical truth. This book will help any Christian parent lead family devotions that will be memorable, faithful, and practical for Christian living. I’ll admit this too—parents will find that they love the stories, illustrations, and learning suggestions along with their children. Marty Machowski has written a wonderful book.”
- R. Albert Mohler, Jr., President, The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary