How we read and interpret the Bible matters. I know that sounds obvious but it would be hard to estimate the number of serious doctrinal errors that are born from rather simple errors in interpreting the biblical text. I think about the prosperity teaching which is bound up (among other things) in...
Have you ever encountered someone who says something like, "The God of the Old Testament seems cruel. He's not at all like Jesus"? It is not an uncommon error. There are so-called evangelical Bible scholars who insist that the God of the Old Testament is not the God of the New Testament. I have had...
As many of you know, Harold Camping is at it again. This time he predicts that Jesus will return in May of 2011. It's not hard to dismiss Camping as a bit of a nut. But let us not think that he is unintelligent. He also has followers who are true believers. Some of them invade our church parking...
Westminster Bookstore is offering this wonderful set at 50% off. This is a great series of books. Highly recommended.
This week's sermon was part 49 in our series through Hebrews. It is entitled "The Advantage of Having Joyful Leaders" and is taken from Hebrews 13:17-19. You can listen to or download it HERE .
Philip Yancey will be the keynote speaker for an event hosted by the "Gay Christian Network" ( gcn ).
The latest issue of Themelios (always worth reading) is now available online and pdf . Contents: 1.D. A. Carson Editorial: Contrarian Reflections on Individualism 2.Carl Trueman Minority Report: Terrible Beauty, Beauty, and the Plain Terrible 3.Daniel J. Estes Fiction and Truth in the Old Testament...
In November Southern Theological Seminary hosted Alistair Begg for a series of messages on preaching the gospel. Preaching the Gospel from Ecclesiastes Preaching the Gospel from Acts Preaching the Gospel from Revelation
Roger Nicole died on Friday. He will be missed. Justin Taylor has written an outstanding remembrance of Dr. Nicole. Recommended: The Glory of the Atonement (essays in honor of Roger Nicole) Our Sovereign Saviour Standing Forth
From Fred Zaspel's wonderful new work, The Theology of B.B. Warfield : For nearly a century before Warfield arrived on its faculty, Princeton Seminary had stood out as the scholarly bastion of the historic Reformed faith. And due in large measure to the towering influence of Old Princeton, much of...