Westminster Bookstore is having a 50% off sale on outstanding children's books.
Colin Marshall has written a helpful article for The Briefing . There is far more ministry that can happen "in the pew" than we often think. Once we make the attitude shift from being passive pew sitters and receivers to active workers and givers, there is no end to the difference we can make to...
Knowing God by J.I. Packer What else can be said about Knowing God that has not already been said? It is number one on my list of books I wish every church member would read. Of the books written over the last 100 years none have had such a profound impact on my understanding of and desire to know...
Kim Riddlebarger was featured on Issues Etc to discuss Harold Camping's exotic approach to interpreting the Bible in light of his prediction that Jesus will rapture the church on May 21, 2o11. Take a listen HERE (scroll down to the episode on Camping).
There's a fascinating, albeit not surprising article posted at Touchstone concerning the importance of fathers regarding the Christian commitment of their children. In short, if a father does not go to church, no matter how faithful his wife’s devotions, only one child in 50 will become a regular...
My Review of Carl Trueman's Histories and Fallacies has now been posted at TGC Reviews . Histories and Fallacies is a different kind of book for Carl Trueman. He is accustomed to writing history, not about how history ought to be written. In a rather candid moment Trueman admits that his view of...
On Sunday I concluded a series of messages through Hebrews. Part 50 was entitled "Benediction" and was taken from 13:20-25. You can listen to or download the sermon HERE .
Ref21 has posted some excellent articles by Carl Trueman reflecting on the miracle of the incarnation. These three articles are well worth reading. Part 1 Part 2 Part 3
The following video is of Princeton professors Robert George and Cornel West. It is an excellent discussion. Dr. George is perhaps the most formidable conservative intellectual in America while Dr. West is a well known man of the left. Their discussion is a model of respectful dialogue. Among the...
This week, the White Horse Inn featured T. David Gordon, author of Why Johnny Can't Preach and Why Johnny Can't Sing Hymns . Both books are vitally important polemics against the influence of pop culture in the life and worship of God's people. We live in a world of constant distraction. Not only...