Last Sunday was part three in our series through Revelation two and three: What Jesus Says to the Church . The message is entitled "The Name on the Stone" and is based on the message to the church at Pergamum (Rev. 2:12-17). You can download or listen to it HERE .
Recently Sojourners ran an article by a woman named Anne Eggebroten who was shocked that Grace Community Church (John MacArthur, pastor) actually practices what the Bible teaches about male leadership in the home and church. Now, this isn't exactly new. Movements like "evangelical feminism" have...
From Ross Douthat : The whole public discussion about whether Christians and other believers should be praying for Christopher Hitchens , currently stricken with throat cancer, strikes me as a rather unfortunate exercise. Surely it goes without saying that he should be prayed for, but surely it...
Recently two American cities have been making headlines for seeking to introduce young students to graphic sexual details under the guise of education. In Provincetown Mass., a policy was recently adopted to distribute condoms to all students regardless of age without parental consent. Meanwhile...
Good stuff from John MacArtur, Rick Holland, Steve Lawson, C.J. Mahaney and Al Mohler from this year's Resolved . http://vimeo.com/moogaloop.swf?clip_id=13237491&server=vimeo.com&show_title=1&show_byline=1&show_portrait=0&color=&fullscreen=1 Keynote Panel Questions and...
To celebrate their new location Westminster Bookstore is having a special sale on some terrific books. Check it out HERE .
Crossway has just released an impressive five volume survey of the entire Bible by Starr Meade. It is designed to be used by parents or teachers to train middle and high school young people to know the Scriptures. Starr Meade consistently produces great work. I encourage you to check out her latest...
Just when you think Ted Haggard may have gone away, he reappears. This time he explains to the Wall Street Journal that he "over-repented" for his sins of employing a homosexual prostitute and use of methamphetamine. Biblically speaking, Haggard is disqualified from serving as a pastor (1 Timothy 3...
Jonathan Leeman has posted a review of Richard Phillips newest book - The Masculine Mandate . Every once in a while, you read a book which seems so basic and solid you wonder why no one has already written it. Greg Gilbert’s What Is the Gospel? felt that way to me. So did Richard Phillip’s The...
In reading posts at Biologos I have been struck by the biblical scholars who seem to suggest that their apprehension of truth is of higher authority than what is revealed in God's Word. In other words, when something in the Bible does not comport with their intellectual or sentemental categories...