Well, perhaps it's more an issue of faithfulness than competence. After all, pastor Joel has been extraordinarily competent in gathering a massive number of followers, selling millions of books, and duping millions of Christians with his winning smile and self-centered teaching. What Joel Osteen...
Ed Stetzer has weighed in on the latest insanity coming from the TSA. He gives four reasons why we should resist the TSA's new body scans and pat downs. 1. It is wrong. Yes, I will say it that bluntly. It is wrong to take naked pictures of people as a requirement for them to travel across a free...
Modern Reformation launches its book publishing efforts, appropriately, with a volume on the doctrine of justification . Watch Michael Horton discuss challenges to and the lasting relevance of the doctrine of justification HERE . Read the introduction on PDF HERE . TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. Engaging N...
Monergism Books now has an ebooks section. Check it out HERE .
From an article by Johnathan Leeman and Depak Reju: 1. Structure your own weekly schedule to include time with younger Christians (breakfasts and lunches, running errands, regular sermon reviews, etc.). 2. If you lead a literate congregation, ask the church for a pastoral budget for book giveaways...
"If I have learned anything in 35 or 40 years of teaching, it is that students don’t learn everything I teach them. What they learn is what I am excited about, the kinds of things I emphasize again and again and again and again. That had better be the gospel. "If the gospel—even when you are...
http://vimeo.com/moogaloop.swf?clip_id=16505401&server=vimeo.com&show_title=1&show_byline=1&show_portrait=1&color=&fullscreen=1&autoplay=0&loop=0 James Hamilton - God's Glory in Salvation Through Judgment from Crossway on Vimeo ...
Carl Trueman has launched a series of reflections at Ref21 on why so many churches decline into theological liberalism. The first danger I want to highlight is that of the celebrity pastor who is ultimately so big as to be practically beyond criticism. Some pastors are just so successful as...
Important post from Martin Downes : What difference would it make if we seriously thought about the origins of false doctrines? It is vitally important to realise that heresies do not originate in the minds of men and women. Ultimately heresy originates with the devil. When the apostle Paul takes...
Sunday's message was part 47 in our series through Hebrews. It is entitled "Let Us Go To Him" and is taken from Hebrews 13:9-13. You can listen to or download it HERE . Check out discussion guide by Aaron Roberts based upon the sermon HERE .