“That God would take human flesh, and that not of one of the great and the good but of a child born of apparently dubious parentage to a young woman scarcely more than a child herself, that he would be delivered in a stable - these are things that are an affront to us as human beings. That God...
So said Woody Allen as he sought to justify his sexual relationship with his step-daughter. In one sense it is easy to dismiss Allen's behavior as isolated albeit disgusting. But now David Espstein, a political scientist from Columbia University, has been charged with incest for carrying on a...
Read about a woman who cannot experience fear.
Writing for The New York Times , Nicholas Kristof once pointed to belief in the virgin birth of Jesus as evidence of that conservative Christians are a bit dim. There are even so-called evangelicals who cast doubt on the importance of belief in virgin birth (more correctly virgin conception) of...
[vimeo http://www.vimeo.com/12425590 w=400&h=225] What is the Gospel? from Southern Seminary on Vimeo .
Carl Trueman calls attention to a very interesting article in The Spectator . Bruce Anderson, an atheist, makes some insightful claims about Christianity which suggest that he understands the Christian faith far more than theological liberals. Anderson writes: "We unbelievers are entitled to regard...
From Michael Gerson writing in The Washington Post : Christmas has become a kind of alternative religion, offering watered-down versions of profound theological doctrines. Its miracles are found on 34th Street, not in Bethlehem. The visitation of Gabriel has become the visitation of Clarence,...
The following are the books published in 2010 that I enjoyed most. I am limiting the list to those books from Christian publishing houses. The Heresy of Orthodoxy by Kostenberger & Kruger The authors carefully and effectively dismantle the arguments of Bart Ehrman and a generation of liberal...
Sam Storms has posted his favorite books of 2010 HERE . On his list is one that could easily have made mine but I neglected to list it. It is Tom Schreiner's outstanding 40 Questions About Christians and Biblical Law . He also lists a volume that has been on my wish list for a while - God's...
Derek Webb likes to stir it up every now and again. His favorite targets of disdain are those rascally conservative Christians. Recently he's made a few headlines by offering his troublingly thoughts on homosexuality. Along with his seeming agnosticism on that particular perversion, however, is an...