Just recently I have become aware of a particular movement to make evangelism to Muslims more effective. Now, who in their right mind or heart would oppose good efforts to reach Muslims with the Gospel of Jesus Christ? But the movement to which I refer is proving to be controversial, and that, for...
Apparently, the Insider Movement is a loose coalition of some who are involved in Christian outreach to Muslims. Those within the Insider Movement claim that since Muslims are offended by language that proclaims God as Father and Jesus as the Son, efforts to reach them ought to eliminate that...
As Good Friday approaches... The Cross of Christ by John Stott Cross Words by Paul Wells The Message of the Cross by Derek Tidball The Cross He Bore by Frederick Leahey Outrageous Mercy by William Farley The Truth of the Cross by R.C. Sproul Pierced For Our Trangressions by Jeffery, Ovey, & Sach
On Sunday I continued the series God's Great Story . It was part 9 and is entitled "The Loving God." You can listen to or download it HERE . I never cease to be amazed at how God uses the sermon preparation process toward my sanctification. I had been wrestling with love all week: my lack of love...
If you have never heard the story of the turn around of Southern Baptist Theological Seminary it is fascinating and encouraging. It is also, quite simply, one of the most important events in the history of the church in the 20th century. Al Mohler, the man at the center of this historic event told...
So now Time Magazine gives Rob Bell a cover story . Jon Meacham writes the story concerning Bell's new book Love Wins . Intense controversy has followed the release of Love Wins . Since then Bell has been on the defensive. He has been busily denying that he is a universalist which seems to...
Take time to check out the debate between Christian philosopher William Lane Craig and atheist Sam Harris. The debate is centered on whether or not an atheist has a reasonable foundation for morality. One is almost embarrassed for Sam Harris. Dr. Craig dismantles him. Harris provides no support for...
This week the Gospel Coaltion's national conference featured a message from Don Carson entitled "God: Abounding in Love: Punishing the Guilty." You can download the audio HERE . Dr. Carson's message was followed by a panel discussion on the love of God and the reality of Hell. Take time to listen...
This week's sermon was part 10 in our series God's Great Story: How the Gospel Changes Everything . It is entitled "The Self-Sacrificing God" and can be listened to or downloaded HERE .
Today's sermon was entitled "Born to Raise the Sons of Earth" and was taken from Matthew 1:18-25. You can listen to or download the sermon HERE .