[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cFnuP9niRUg] HT: Tim Challies
[vimeo http://www.vimeo.com/15397101 w=400&h=225] "The Gospel & Personal Evangelism," Mark Dever from 9Marks on Vimeo . The Gospel and Personal Evangelism [vimeo http://www.vimeo.com/15401892 w=400&h=225] "What Does God Want of Us Anyway?" Mark Dever from 9Marks on Vimeo . What Does God...
B.B. Warfield the great biblical scholar and defender of the Bible's inerrancy challenged skeptics to give the New Testament the same benefit of the doubt that secular texts were given: It is not enough to point to passages difficult to harmonize; they cannot militate against verbal inspiration...
So, we've known for a while that Rob Bell was going to release a book denying the doctrines of Hell and the final judgement. It's a sentimental message that will certainly resonate with many contemporary evangelicals who cannot cope with any notion of exclusion. These are the same folks who loved...
Al Mohler will be giving the Gaffin Lecture at Westminster Theological Seminary on Wednesday morning March 2 at 10:30 in Rust Auditorium. If you are in the Philadelphia area please try to attend.
In a recent interview by the Dean at Point Looma Nazarene College Rob Bell responded to Mark Driscoll's pronouncement that Bell is a heretic: Nelson: Time Magazine, a year or two ago, called you the next Billy Graham. And then you’ve got a pastor at another Mars Hill church calling you a heretic...
Some other thoughtful guys have weighed in on Rob Bell's forthcoming book Love Wins : Denny Burk Justin Taylor Kevin Deyoung Joshua Harris Trevin Wax
The dust up over the promotional materials for Rob Bell's newest book has been interesting. Justin Taylor has been excoriated for expressing (in a relatively gentle way) his concerns over Bell's clear compromises with Biblical truth. That criticism reflects what seems to be the new mainstream of...
Kevin DeYoung has written what is the most helpful post I have read on the controversy surrounding Rob Bell and the promotion of his new book. You ought to read it when you get a chance. In case you are wondering why I have been posting on this, the answer is easy: Rob Bell has influence. He is an...
On Sunday I preached part 7 in our series God's Great Story. It is entitled The All-Wise God and is taken from Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, Job, and Psalms. You can listen to or download it HERE .