John MacArthur has been the pastor of Grace Community Church since 1969. The most distinguishing characteristic of MacArthur's long ministry is his commitment to biblical exposition. Last Sunday (June 5, 2011) marked a significant milestone in the life of Grace Church. John MacArthur finished...
From a message by Michael Horton: Our mission is qualitatively different from God's mission. God sends us on a mission, but it's a different mission than the mission he sent his Son on. It's different from the mission he sent his Spirit on. The Son could redeem the world. We can't. Again, loose...
Robert George, Sherif Gergis, and Ryan T. Anderson make the case against same-sex marriage.
Michael Horton is one of our brightest theologians. Recently Dr. Horton lectured on Rob Bell's new book "Love Wins." Check it out HERE .
In the days ahead I will be posting some articles based upon my message and vision presentation on Vision Day at Church of the Saviour. When the Gospel drives the church: 1. God’s glory becomes our chief end and highest value. Perhaps the first issue we should settle is whether or not we can be...
Many years have passed since the serpent deceived the woman. His work, however, continues. And, as you will notice, the deception often seems so plausible; so positive. The following video is an exercise in how to completely undermine the Word of God while professing to love it. [youtube http://www...
Church of the Saviour was blessed by two wonderful sermons on Sunday. In our morning services Dr. Julius Kim of Westminster Seminary California preached a sermon entitled "Gospel Pilgrim: Rock of Ages" taken from Exodus 17:1-7. In our evening service, Matt Eusey, our new Pastor of Disciple-Making...
"The fundamental fault of the modern Church is that she is busily engaged in an absolutely impossible task--she is busily engaged in calling the righteous to repentance. Modern preachers are trying to bring men into the Church without requiring them to relinquish their pride; they are trying to...
As some of you know, the translators and publisher of the new NIV Bible translation decided to use gender-neutral language. The problem is that it is impossible to do that without changing the words of Scripture and, in some cases, the very meaning. The Southern Baptist Convention which met this...
The SBC is posting video of the messages from the Pastor's Conference this week. Below is the messages from Darrin Patrick. I attended college and seminary with Darrin. Darrin is the pastor of Journey Church in St. Louis. http://vimeo.com/moogaloop.swf?clip_id=25163115&server=vimeo.com&...