[vimeo 25203750 w=400 h=225] ASPIRE Msg: John Piper from Hope Baptist Church, Las Vegas on Vimeo .
The Emergent movement is desperately trying to stay alive and relevant. Of course, in one sense they will always be with us for error and heresy have always been with the church. Next week a plethora of emergent leaders and former evangelicals will gather for a festival in North Carolina. The...
Owen Strachan has written a helpful article on the parental (fatherly) responsibility to help our daughters be clothed in beautiful modesty. This is not merely a cultural issue. It is not about being liberal or conservative. It is not about holding to an antiquated Victorian ideal. Guarding the...
On Sunday I preached a message entitled "Grace: Radically Free" taken from Luke 23:32-43. You can listen to or download it HERE .
Mike McKinley's new book Am I Really a Christian seeks to answer that question. Take some time to check out the website for the book. Mike grew up at the church I serve as pastor. He is a pastor and writes regularly at the 9 Marks Blog .
[vimeo 25255523 w=400 h=225] What are some misunderstandings people have about the Gospel? from Crossway on Vimeo .
Not long ago John Piper posted a journal entry from 1986 after just six years as pastor of Bethlehem Baptist Church. It is a warning that we not follow our emotions (or our heart). As a man who is easily discouraged, this is good for me to read and read again: Am I under attack by Satan to abandon...
From Kevin DeYoung : John 16:12-15 He will glorify me, for he will take what is mine and declare it to you . (v. 14) If last week we looked at the importance of following Jesus with more than words, today we look at how our words about Jesus still matter. The work of the Holy Spirit is to take “...
[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q0iqAjHNaEs&w=460&h=292]
From Carl Trueman: [Evangelicalism] seems less sure of its identity than at any point in its history. I never cease to be shocked by how little I have in common with many others in the United Kingdom who now claim the name evangelical. One can deny that God knows the future, one can deny that the...