John MacArthur: Servant of the Word and Flock by Iain Murray is now available at WTSbooks for $18.30 (30% off). When I started in ministry, I committed myself to expository preaching, just explaining the Bible, because I knew that there was nothing I could say that was anywhere near as important as...
Carl Trueman cannot tolerate emoticons. They represent the loss of language, the Roman war against the Protestant church, and the destruction of manhood. Just a note on emoticons. You shouldn't use them: 1. Real men don't use them. In fact, not even Paul Levy uses them. They are thus part of the...
Last week I posted John Piper's long-awaited interview with Rick Warren . Many people have responded positively to the demonstration of brotherly love and camaraderie displayed by the two men. Indeed, these are two men who clearly love Jesus and hold each other in high esteem. Anyone familiar with...
A Voyage of Discovery: The Ups and Downs of the Christian Life In his latest book Derek Thomas invites us not just read but engage, or better, be engaged by God's powerful Word. Specifically, Dr. Thomas, like a faithful pastor, takes the reader deep into 15 "Psalms of Ascent" (Psalms 120-134). This...
Sunday was Church of the Saviour's annual Vision Day. We had a wonderful time fixing our eyes once again on the church's God-honoring Gospel mission. I preached a message entitled When the Gospel Drives the Church . You can listen to or download it HERE .
The audio from the Next Conference is now available. God on the World: The Bible’s Framework for a Christian Worldview Jeff Purswell Think or Believe? The Role of Reason in the Life of Faith Scott Oliphint The Gospel and the Postmodern Mind D.A. Carson The Reality of Truth in a World of Relativism...
The market-driven philosophy of user-friendly churches does not easily permit them to take firm enough doctrinal positions to oppose false teaching. Their outlook on leadership drives them to hire marketers who can sell rather than biblically qualified pastors who can teach. Their approach to...
Doug Wilson sees the Anthony Weiner, ahem , situation as a sign of God's providential good humor. Indeed, he wonders how atheists can maintain their disbelief in the face of such a clearly crafted comedy of fools. He goes on to refer to his friendly sparring partner Christopher Hitchens' article on...
Al Mohler's latest post has me thinking about evangelicalism's tendency to not guard its boundaries very well. 1. The enemy never tires of sneaking heresy into the church. In his post, Mohler comments on the new book "Is God a Christian?" by R. Kirby Godsey. It is a rehash of tired old heresies...
So, I am minding my own business, catching up on a few blogs I like to read and God hits me square in the middle of my sinful heart. The following is from a post by Tim Keller : I have always found Jesus’ words in Matt 5:21-22 to be shattering. He begins by reminding his listeners that anyone who...