Obviously, universalism has been getting quite a lot of attention lately. This is largely a good thing. It is why some orthodox theologians speak about our "debt to heresy." Heresy tends to rally the orthodox. It prompts the faithful to reexamine their doctrine and recover neglected points of truth...
The short answer is "Yes!" Take time to check out the latest 9Marks ejournal . The theme this month is church membership. Is it biblical? What does membership mean? What are the costs of meaningless membership? Is Church Membership Biblical by Matt Chandler Joining a Church the Ancient Way by...
The following are the posts/articles that I found most helpful in considering how Christians can think biblically about the death of Osama Bin Laden: John Piper Kevin DeYoung 1 Kevin DeYoung 2 Christopher Morgan Michael Horton Carl Trueman
And the abuses abound! Don Carson has written a helpful article for the latest issue of Themelios . Carson writes: Several years ago I wrote a fairly restrained critique of the emerging church movement as it then existed, before it morphed into its present diverse configurations.1 That little book...
Michael Wittmer is a guy I trust. His book Don't Stop Believing: Why Living Like Jesus Is Not Enough is well worth reading. He also posted a series of effective responses to Brian MacLaren's tragic book A New Kind of Christianity . Now Wittmer has released a full response to Rob Bell's Love Wins...
"When a church forfeits its doctrinal convictions and then embraces ambiguity and tolerates heresy, it undermines its own credibility and embraces its own destruction." - From an article by Al Mohler
From John Newton: Give me leave to ask pastors: What would you do if you did not find yourself occasionally poor, insufficient, and stupid? Are you aware of what might be the possible, the probable, the almost certain consequences, if you always found your spirit enlarged, and your frames lively...
No one like criticism. Even when the criticism is legitimate or at least partially legitimate the sting is very real. For pastors this is especially true because so much of our work depends on being liked. The reality is intensified because of the amount of criticism that many pastors receive. In...
[vimeo http://www.vimeo.com/23187138 w=400&h=225] Tim Keller - Interview Session #3 from Vintage21 Church on Vimeo .
Doug Wilson has a helpful post summing up his thoughts on the assassination of Osama Bin Laden. To those who would question the justice of assissination from a biblical perspective, Wilson answers: 1. Assassination is not necessarily an ungodly tactic. Ehud was a righteous judge in Israel, and he...