When I was serving as a youth pastor in Oklahoma I took a group of high school seniors to one of the early Passion conferences in Austin, TX. What I was unprepared for was the message that would be preached by John Piper. His message to some 6,000 students was not how to date in college or how to...
No. Read more about it HERE .
In an article posted today at the White Horse Inn Michael Horton makes the case for the Resurrection of Jesus as a necessarily historical event. Read it HERE . Look forward to seeing many of you in the morning. He is risen indeed!
I recently read with interest an article by Donald Miller in which he blames "teachers and scholars" for the divisions within evangelicalism. He is almost certainly wrong. Miller makes a classic error in pitting "practitioners" against teachers and scholars. His argument runs something like this:...
On Easter Sunday I preached part 11 in our series God's Great Story . It is entitled "The Death-Defying God" and can be listened to or downloaded HERE .
I'm loving this book !
The deadly combination of unchallenged liberal presumptions and casual intimidation of dissenters is probably at its worst in the most prestigious universities, which set the tone for the rest of the country, on this issue as on many others. But in all except the most resolutely religious colleges...
The growth of theologically conservative churches and the corresponding decline of liberal churches has been the occasion of a lot of speculation over the years. Even sociologists have offered opinions. The findings usually suggest that people can't deal with the thoughtful subtleties and...
Christians are offering up various opinions on the assassination of Osama Bin Laden. Some are rejoicing as they point to such texts as Romans 13:3-4. Others are appealing to such texts as Ezekiel 33:11 to mourn his death. Are these contradictory positions? How do we rightly rejoice in the justice...
On Sunday I preached part 12 in our current series: God's Great Story . It is entitled "The Nation Building God" and deals with the birth of the church. You can listen to or download the sermon HERE .