Last Sunday I completed a six week series through the book of Ruth entitled "Faithful God". The sermons in the series were: 1 - The Road to Nowhere 2 - Relentless Grace 3 - Not a Chance 4 - Right Man, Right Time 5 - There is a Redeemer 6 - Mission Accomplished
Today, Southern Baptist Theological Seminary hosted a panel discussion on the theological implications of the 9/11/2001 calamity. Check it out HERE .
Get the details HERE .
Ultimately Christians will take refuge from their questions about evil not in proud theories that explain evil away, but in combating evil, opposing it, especially evil within themselves but also in the larger world as well. Christians will take refuge from their questions about suffering not in...
A Place for Weakness by Michael Horton Read my review HERE . In the aftermath of September 11, Christians have been asked, once again, to address the problem of evil. While acknowledging evil’s mysteriousness, part of my response to those requests has included a question for the questioner, namely...
Community: Taking Your Group Off Life Support From the Publisher: House examines healthy, gospel-centered small groups in three sections. In the first, he lays a foundation for the need and purpose of small-group community. He then presents a big-picture "health plan" for small groups, looking...
Sunday marked ten years to the day after September 11, 2001. In light of that calamatous day, I preached a sermon entitled "When the Tower Fell" based on Luke 13:1-5. You can listen to or download it HERE .
It is not God's will that we live our lives doubting our salvation. Unfortunately some formulations of regeneration depend upon our feelings at any given moment or whether or not we prayed the right prayer or prayed it and really meant it. Many of you grew up in this kind of doubt enducing, joy...
David Fitch has posted a great article concerning the reasons why parents should, indeed must bring their children to the corporate worship of God's people. To the complaint that "My children don't get anything out of the service," Fitch offers three responses: 1.) There’s an encounter with the...
WTSBooks is offering Paul Tripp's excellent book Instruments In The Redeemer's Hands for 50% off. This is one every Christian ought to read. A wonderful application of the old Gaelic saying, 'God strikes straight blows with crooked sticks.' As inadequate as we are, God is eager to use us to help...