[vimeo 27645926 w=400 h=225] Indelible Grace Documentary Trailer: Roots And Wings from Kevin Twit on Vimeo . We will be welcoming Indelible Grace to Church of the Saviour on October 16th in all three a.m. services.
The most recent edition of the Southern Baptist Journal of Theology includes a fine article by Dr. Ardel Canaday. Dr. Canaday offers a compelling critique of the efforts of Biologos to "deconstruct Adam to fit evolution." Take time to read the article HERE .
One book I enjoy reading every year during both Christmas season and Holy Week is Donald Macleod's oustanding little volume From Glory to Golgotha . Highly Recommended.
Denny Burk makes a compelling case that Paul was a widower. His points are as follows: 1. Paul puts himself in the category of being “unmarried” in 1 Corinthians 7:8. 2. The word “unmarried” translates the Greek word agamos. 3. Paul uses the term agamos to refer to those who have been married but...
The following is an excellent discussion concerning the nature of ministry. what should we mean when we say, "Every member a minister?" What about the offices of ministry prescribed in the New Testament? [vimeo 24832288 w=400 h=225] People Want a Pastor from The Gospel Coalition on Vimeo .
Joe Carter has written a fascinating article entitled How to Destroy a Culture in 5 Easy Steps . Check it out.
Without the preaching place, I think few would have occassion to be offended at me; and there I am not master of myself, but must obey Him who commands me to speak plain and to flatter no flesh on the face of the earth. John Knox
On Sunday I wrapped up the series through the book of Ruth with the sixth message in the series. It is entitled "Mission Accomplished" and can be listened to or downloaded HERE .
Kevin DeYoung and Greg Gilbert's new book, What is the Mission of the Church is now available at a deep discount HERE . "In what appears to be a growing tension over what the mission of the church encompasses, DeYoung and Gilbert bring a remarkably balanced book that can correct, restore, and help...
From Carl Trueman : It seems a bit of a brouhaha is developing over the exclusion of (or, perhaps better, lack of invitation to) evangelical Protestants to participate in the religious ceremonies at the National Cathedral this weekend to commemorate 9/11. The prayer vigil will, according to Fox...