http://vimeo.com/moogaloop.swf?clip_id=24636511&server=vimeo.com&show_title=1&show_byline=1&show_portrait=1&color=ffffff&fullscreen=1&autoplay=0&loop=0 Make God's Word Your 'Thing' from The Gospel Coalition on Vimeo ...
Keving DeYoung has posted a helpful review of Christian Smith's new book The Bible Made Impossible . Smith, a professor from Notre Dame has previously written the thought provoking volumes Soul Searching and Souls in Transition . They are studies of the religious beliefs and practices of younger...
From R.W. Glenn : About nine years ago I developed the following list of prayer requests that I gave to every willing hand. I haven't passed them out in at least four years, but I decided to resurrect them. Why? I need prayer...badly! And so does your pastor. As leaders in the church we have unique...
Dr. Albert Mohler and Jim Wallis will be debating each other soon on the question of whether social justice is a necessary part of the mission of the church. It is an important debate because it has direct implications upon the nature of the gospel. Again, the question is not whether it is good for...
[vimeo 26440717 w=400 h=225] IX Marks at 9 - 2011 SBC Annual Meeting from Southeastern Seminary on Vimeo .
[vimeo 24638034 w=400 h=225] First Day of Classes: Where Are the Men? from The Gospel Coalition on Vimeo .
From an article by J.I. Packer : 1. The inspiration of the Bible is an activity of God, who providentially rules over the utterances of men and is binding upon us. 2. There is a subjectively recognized and objectively inspired canon. In other words, not all inspired words are canonical, but all...
Good stuff from Carl Trueman : To ascribe glory and honour to this God and to no other is to put to the sword the claims of all other pretenders to the throne. Debates about worship which focus primarily on aesthetics may be important - form and content are never neatly separable. Far more...
In the days ahead I will be posting some articles based upon my sermon and vision presentation on Vision Day at Church of the Saviour. I presented a nine point vision that will guide Church of the Saviour in the days ahead. It is as follows: 1. The glory of God will be our chief end and highest...