[vimeo 24635066 w=400 h=225] Biblical Authority in an Age of Uncertainty from The Gospel Coalition on Vimeo .
On Sunday I began a new series through the book of Ruth called Faithful God . Part one is entitled "The Road to Nowhere" and can be listened to or downloaded HERE .
From John Piper: Let me just mention one feature to watch out for in the recognition of wolves. As I have watched the movement from biblical faithfulness to liberalism in persons and institutions that I have known over the years, this feature stands out: An emotional disenchantment with...
Great post by Dane Ortlund concerning Francis Schaeffer: In 1951 Francis Schaeffer’s life and ministry were turned upside down, despite already having walked with the Lord for many years and having seen much fruit in ministry. He was 39. In the introduction to his book True Spirituality, Schaeffer...
I appreciate the work of Nancy Guthrie. I recommend you check out the following books: Discovering Jesus in the Old Testament This is a year's worth of readings from the Old Testament demonstrating how Christ is present in (not simply read back into) the Old Testament. This is a terrific book for...
[vimeo 25624674 w=400 h=225] Gospel, Mission, and the Church from The Gospel Coalition on Vimeo . HT: Justin Taylor
On the latest edition of the White Horse Inn , Michael Horton chats with Tullian Tchividjian and Thabiti Anyabwile. Jesus + Nothing = Everything The Gospel for Muslims The Decline of African American Theology
From an article in Christianity Today : And so we have a system in which pride and hypocrisy are inevitable. The situation for the pastor is impossible. He retains his biblical vision, but the system he finds himself in makes him waver between humility and arrogance, hope and cynicism, patience and...
It would be easy to just let Tony Jones fade away into the sunset of ever degenerating evangelicalism. Tony has proved time and again to be nothing more than a less intelligent incarnation of 19th century theological liberalism. There really is nothing substantively new in Tony Jones, Doug Pagget,...
From an article by Randy Alcorn: I feel like right now among evangelicals—including authors, musicians, speakers and pastors—there’s a runaway train of unbiblical and unclear thinking. We are improvising theology on the fly with little regard for the Scriptures or the historic orthodox Christian...