That is my question regarding the C.J. Mahaney situation. Actually it is not really a question in my mind. I have read the massive document dump which reveals that C.J. Mahaney is - get ready - a far from perfect leader of a large ministry. Take time to read Jesse Johnson's post on the current...
From Carl Trueman : "If somebody spends more time in the pulpit talking about themselves than about the Bible and Christ, then they are preaching themselves and not Christ crucified. If they talk about themselves for twenty minutes and expound the Bible for twenty minutes, that is a twenty minute...
Now avaiable at a great price HERE .
On Sunday I preached part 2 in our current series through Ruth. It is entitled "Relentless Grace" (Ruth 1:6-22) and can be listened to or downloaded HERE .
Stephen Nichols' newest book, Welcome to the Story , is now available. From the Publisher: Welcome to the Story teaches believers not only how to read the Bible, but how to read it in such a way that it permeates their lives--reading, loving, and living God's Word. Discussion includes an...
Al Mohler has posted his picks for books that pastors ought to read in 2011. 1. Collected Writings on Scripture by D.A. Carson (Crossway) 2. Is God a Moral Monster? Making Sense of the Old Testament God by Paul Copan (Baker) 3. Almost Christian: What the Faith of Our Teenagers Is Telling the...
...for providing a fitting reply to Frank Schaeffer's despicable post concerning the tragic violence in Norway. Read it HERE .
"The deceptively simple task of disciple-making is made demanding, frustrating and difficult in our world, not because it is so hard to grasp but because it is so hard to persevere in. "This is why we are such suckers for the latest ministry expert, who has always grown a church of at least 5000...
From D.A. Carson : In a fair bit of Western evangelicalism, there is a worrying tendency to focus on the periphery. [My] colleague . . . Dr. Paul Hiebert . . . . springs from Mennonite stock and analyzes his heritage in a fashion that he himself would acknowledge is something of a simplistic...
Very grateful for these words: When Joseph’s brothers saw that their father was dead, they said, “It may be that Joseph will hate us and pay us back for all the evil that we did to him.” So they sent a message to Joseph, saying, “Your father gave this command before he died, ‘Say to Joseph, Please...