Some thoughts worth reading from Phil Johnson : Biblical manliness is about authentic character. It’s not about bravado, and it’s not about boyishness. Going out into the woods with a bunch of other men, putting on war paint, making animal noises, telling scary stories around a campfire, and then...
Mark Driscoll has famously said that God has spoken audibly to him. Driscoll reports that God gave him audible commands to become a pastor, marry his wife, and plant a church. There are a lot of things I appreciate about Mark Driscoll. He has been a stalwart champion of sound doctrine, expositional...
You can read my introductory notes on a nine part vision for COS HERE . 1. God’s glory will be our chief end and highest value. Perhaps the first issue we should settle is whether or not we can be sure that God’s glory ought to be our chief end. When Jesus taught his disciples to pray he said, “...
There are six new booklets available from The Gospel Coalition in this very helpful series. The Kingdom of God by Stephen Um The Gospel and Scripture: How to Read the Bible by Mike Bullmore Sin and the Fall by Reddit Andrews Justification by Philip Graham Ryken Baptism and the Lord's Supper by...
The latest issue of Themelios carries an excellent reflection by Carl Trueman on one of the key purposes of the church's corporate gatherings. It may well be that with all the emphasis on what we are supposed to be doing in our corporate praise we have neglected that most important reality - what...
A recent article in the New York Times Magazine explores a little talked about trend in the abortion industry - baby reduction. It is the practice of aborting one or more babies of a multiple pregnancy. It is difficult to find words to describe such wickedness. This dastardly practice is wrapped up...
From Greg Gilbert : It's always seemed to me that Satan must take a peculiar pride in the tactic of taking music---which God intended to be a beautiful means of worship to Him---and turning it into a line of division and battle among His people. So a couple of thoughts hit me, and I decided to...
To what extent should the church adopt business practices from the world? Is it wrong to market the church? These are some of the questions Mark Dever asks John Harden in this interview .
On Sunday I preached part 5 in our series through Ruth. It is entitled There Is A Redeemer and is taken from Ruth chapter 3. You can listen to or download it HERE .
For Hitchens to point out all the problems in the world and blame them on 'religion' is like writing a book attacking 'medicine,' that well-meaning endeavor which has killed its untold millions. But to get this result we have to define medicine as 'anything that comes, promising relief, in bottles...