The longer I am an "evangelical" the more I realize that I have less and less in common with this far too broad, unserious, banal, (feel free to supply your own adjective) movement. I was going to comment on Phil Johnson's latest sobering and excellent post but Carl Trueman supplies the commentary...
On Sunday I began a new series of messages entitled The Mission . The messages will examine the church's commission to make disciples. The first sermon is entitled "God: The Original Missionary" and can be listened to or downloaded HERE .
Paul Tripp's newest book is entitled Forever . WTSbooks is offering it right now for 35% off. Check it out HERE . Publisher's Description: Is this all you're living for? For years, pastor Paul Tripp understood we were 'hardwired for forever.' But he didn't understand that it was more than a...
What would change if churches took more seriously Luke's message - the Holy Spirit's message - that the life of the church is the continuing teaching and doing ministry of Jesus Christ, the risen and exalted Lord?... How would an awareness of Christ's presence affect all the issues surrounding the...
Bloodlines: Race, Cross, and the Christian by John Piper [vimeo 28323716 w=400 h=225] Bloodlines Documentary with John Piper from Crossway on Vimeo .
There has been quite a broo-ha-ha stiring over James MacDonald's invitation of T.D. Jakes to his "Elephant Room" event. Thabiti Anyabwile sees the invitation as a significant setback to the African American church. He writes: In 2007, the Lord granted me the privilege of publishing The Decline of...
Trevin Wax offers thoughts on the new movie Courageous .
Brandon Levering has written a thoughtful post on how established churches can think like church plants. He offers five ways: 1. Church plants clearly define their mission and keep it before them in everything they do. 2. Church plants feel an acute sense of urgency to engage in evangelism. 3...
On Sunday I preached part 2 of our current series The Mission . It is entitled "Going Away and Filling Up." It is an examination of the continuing significance of Jesus' ascension and Pentecost for the mission of the church. You can listen to or download the sermon HERE .
There are some truths which must be believed; they are essential to salvation, and if not heartily accepted, the soul will be ruined. Now, in [the early church], the saints did not say, as the sham saints do now, "We must be largely charitable, and leave this brother to his own opinion; he sees...