Excellent DVD from Paul Tripp and Tim Lane: Instruments in the Redeemer's Hands . This is ideal for a small group or even private study. Also, add Paul's outstanding book Instruments in the Redeemer's Hands to your "must read" list.
Recently a 25th anniversary edition of Desiring God was released. I remember my first reading of Desiring God as a new seminary student. It was a disorienting experience because Piper's basic thesis was something brand new for me. At first I completely rejected what Piper was suggesting. However,...
That is what I wonder when I read Karl Giberson and the other folks at Biologos. The mission of Biologos is to help the church embrace theistic evolution. Part of that project is to reject the historicity of Adam and Eve, the fall, the flood and a great many other events recorded in the Bible. Of...
There are uninformed individuals who hold that the doctrine of the Bible's inerrancy is an invention of "Old Princeton" (Warfield and the Hodges); the fruit of modernist categories. This is simply not true, of course. The following two statements are from Augustine, the 5th century Bishop of Hippo...
I've been trying to figure out an excuse to buy Crossway's beautiful collector's edition of the Gospels . It is illustrated by renowned artist Makoto Fujimura. I generally appreciate representational art. But Fujimura's work is extraordinary. It is luminescent. It defies description. What is more,...
In reading Love Wins there are times when I cannot help but almost feel sorry for Rob Bell. Almost. His use of the Scriptures is either incompetent or purposely misleading. But I don't know when the last time was that I read a book which was guilty of so many fallacies in biblical interpretation...
So Carl Trueman is a bit of a cynic. This is not to criticize the man. I count Carl as a friend. What is more, Carl is the first to acknowlege his tendency toward cynicism. He is a Brit after all and our friends from across the pond consider cynicism to be a virtue. Still, Carl is fun over lunch...
Okay, so I continue to think about Carl's post on mega-conferences with famous pastors. His warnings about a party spirit and idolatry of certain personalities will always be relevant and important. That said, I am less persuaded with his suggestion that the content of a conference is what matters...
[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RAyHhFjx4PM&w=460&h=375]
[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_ms-gxEOtLA&w=460&h=375]