Thanks to Thom Rainer for this moving letter . You are my pastor. You are not perfect. You get frustrated like everyone else. You don’t always say exactly what you should say. You do indeed make some mistakes. On that reality you readily agree. But your imperfections are often magnified in the...
I'm looking forward to the following titles: Reformation: Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow by Carl Trueman John MacArthur: Servant of the Word and Flock by Iain Murray Welcome to the Story by Stephen Nichols
On Sunday I preached part 13 in the series God's Great Story . It is entitled "The Transforming God" and is focused on the New Testament epistles. You can listen to or download it HERE .
Well tomorrow is the big day. I was listening to a "Camping-ite" today on a national radio program. At the end of the interview I noticed that my face hurt from being in a constant cringe for almost 45 minutes. The man was a deeply sincere fellow and quite articulate. Unfortunately he has given...
Harold Camping claimed that the Bible "guarantees" that Christ would rapture his people this day by 6:00 pm (beginning at the International Date Line). He claimed that the surface of the earth would be littered by the bones and other remains of the dead as all the graves on the planet would be...
With the well known errors of Harold Camping fresh on our minds it may be helpful to read up on what reliable biblical scholars have written about the end times. Here are some excellent titles for you to check out: The Bible and the Future by Anthony Hoekema Christ and the Future by Cornelis Venema...
Check out the audio HERE .
On Sunday I preached part 14 of our series God's Great Story . It is entitled "The Judging God" and can be listened to or downloaded HERE .
It seems that the former Bishop of Durham has been living under a proverbial rock. He just cannot seem to find anyone but those silly Americans who cares about questions of Hell and judgment. It seems that the Rev. Wright travels in fairly parochial circles. When asked recently about Hell, Wright...
"I'm not a genius." - Harold Camping You can read the entire article HERE . In case you were wondering, "the world will be destroyed" on October 21, 2011. I hate that because Autumn is my favorite time of year.