From Michael Horton: At least 76 people are dead after Anders Behring Breivik massacred campers on an island off the coast of Oslo, Norway. Finally, the media has a face and a name for making its heretofor unjustified claim of moral equivalency between conservative Christianity and Islam. Religion...
On Sunday I preached part 3 in our current series through Ruth. It is entitled "Not a Chance" and can be listened to or downloaded HERE .
[vimeo 18002236 w=400 h=225] Epiphany Camden Short from timothy shin on Vimeo .
Justin Taylor posted the following exerpt from Francis Schaeffer's article "Why and How I Write My Books" : The way to read my books, then, is to realize that I came through a real struggle in those early days, and I’ve tried to be honest in my study ever since. I try to approach every problem as...
I just read news that preacher, churchman, evangelist and evangelical leader John Stott died this morning. John Stott's legacy would be hard to calculate; his impact hard to overestimate. He will be missed.
The Cross of Christ The Message of Ephesians Basic Christianity Between Two Worlds The Message of Acts The Message of Romans
In the dark night of our souls, we imagine and worry about the worst possible scenario. In fact, we often conjure up contradictory worst case scenarios to worry about, events that cannot all happen to us. We persuade ourselves that God has abandoned us and that we have no prospects. How much...
[vimeo 26100841 w=400 h=225] Church Leaders Who Permit Carnility from NCFIC on Vimeo .
Yesterday I preached part 4 in our series through Ruth. It is entitled "Right Man, Right Time" and can be listened to or downloaded HERE .
"We have come with some confidence to believe that a significant part of Christianity in the United States is actually only tenuously Christian in any sense that it is seriously connected to the actual historical Christian tradition...It is not so much that U.S. Christianity is being secularlized...