This Sunday I will begin a five week series of sermons through the book of Ruth. Ruth begins by telling the tragic story of Naomi and the deaths of her husband and sons. It is during the dark days of the Judges and a time of famine. But Ruth is also the story of the love and marriage of two...
On Sunday I preached a sermon entitled "Gospel Greatness" taken from Mark 9:30-37. You can listen to or download it HERE .
It is lengthy but Dr. Ardel Caneday's article in the latest issue of the Southern Baptist Journal of Theology is worth the read. Dr. Caneday challenges those within evangelicalism who are now dismissing the Bible's teachings concerning the historicity of Adam and the Fall. Check it out HERE .
Who is Jesus, and why should he be worshipped? Was his death merely an example of self-sacrifice, or did he actually atone for the sins of the world? These are crucial doctrinal questions, yet many Christians in our time say they are not interested in theology or doctrine, but prefer instead to...
This Sunday I will begin preaching a five week series of sermons through Ruth. The following are some excellent resources on Ruth. And, yes, I am stealing the title of Sinclair Ferguson's little book for my sermon series. Esther and Ruth by Iain Duguid Faithful God by Sinclair Ferguson The Message...
If a group of hippies gather in the North Carolina woods do they make a sound? Well, thanks to twitter and blogging they do. They even caught the attention of The Economist . About a week ago a group of people who are terribly sad they missed the 60's gathered to celebrate homosexuality, beer,...
An Episcopal priest who describes herself as "left leaning" seems to have been right in the middle of the target audience for the recent Wild Goose Festival . Yet Catherine Caimano writes: I was surprised that an event billed in part as a revival would have an almost pervasive timidity about...
I still come across Christians who consider the Gospel to be the "abc's" of Christianity. That concerns me because we never truly outgrow our need for the Gospel. Indeed we will never grow beyond the Gospel. If we believe the Gospel to be a very basic thing, merely baby food for baby Christians...
In the video below D.A. Carson interviews Conrad Mbewe about the tragic rise of the prosperity gospel in Africa. One of the reasons for the popularity of preachers like Benny Hinn, Keneth Copeland, and other prosperity teachers in Africa is because of the similarity between what they preach and the...
Take time to watch the following debate held at Westmont College between Scott Klusendorf of Life Training Institute and Nadine Strossen (former President of the ACLU). [vimeo 26031452 w=400 h=220] Abortion Debate at Westmont College from Randy Alcorn on Vimeo . HT: Justin Taylor