New York is the latest state to approve same-sex marriage. That makes the Empire State the sixth and largest state to approve of the practice. Make no mistake, these are defining moments for the United States. As marriage goes, so goes the culture. Marriage has a very particular meaning. By its...
In a recent interview Phil Johnson was asked, "What is the biggest problem facing evangelicalism today and how should we respond?" Johnson answers: The greatest problem I see is the ever-broadening boundary of the evangelical movement and (corresponding to that) the increasingly ambiguous...
The Church at this moment needs men, the right kind of men, bold men… We languish for men who feel themselves expendable in the warfare of the soul, who cannot be frightened by threats of death because they have already died to the allurements of this world. Such men will be free from the...
Dr. Mohler writes: One of the lessons learned in this sad spectacle is the fact that enough Republican senators changed their positions on the issue under intense pressure, thus enabling the passage of the legislation. The same was true for the minority of Democratic senators who had previously...
Take time to read this excellent article entitled Marriage and the Public Good: Ten Principles .
On Sunday I preached a message entitled "We Have This Ministry" taken from 2 Corinthians 4:1-6. You can listen to or download it HERE .
[vimeo 24830271 w=400 h=225] Chandler, Horton, and Keller on the Church in Culture from The Gospel Coalition on Vimeo .
[vimeo 15887245 w=400 h=300] DeYoung, Duncan, Mohler: What's New About the New Calvinism from The Gospel Coalition on Vimeo .
Credo is a new online magazine of theology and biblical studies. In addition to articles, Credo includes a blog, interviews, and book reviews.
In what can only be described as a cynical political move, the Obama Administration informed Congress that they will no longer defend the Defense of Marriage Act [DOMA]. That means that any challenge to DOMA in the courts will not be countered by the Administration even though the President and...