Posts by Todd Pruitt

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Beginning in the Fall of 201o Dr. G.K. Beale will leave his post as Chair of Biblical Studies at Wheaton to become Professor of New Testament and Biblical Theology at Westminster Theological Seminary. This is great news for WTS which has experienced some controversy over the issue of inerrancy for...
To preach is a fearful privilege. It's a privilege because of the honor to proclaim God's Word to God's people. It's a privilege because of the opportunity for in-depth study every week. But preaching is fearful because of the risk of getting it wrong. Also, it is fearful because of the pontential...
An English translation of Pierre Marcel's "In God's School" is now available. It is based upon the Heidelberg Catechism and is a wonderful tool for teaching the Christian faith. But make no mistake. "In God's School" will benefit new and mature believers, young and old. This is theology done well...
"A bruised reed he will not break, and a smouldering wick he will not snuff out." - Isaiah 42:3 We all know what it is like to feel like a bruised reed and a smouldering wick. They are both images of weakness. Relationships, work, loss, and pain can all sap our strength and rob us of joy. It is in...
Robert George of Princeton University recently debated Douglas Kmiec, a pro-life supporter of President Obama. Public Discource , one of my favorite sites, reproduced Professor George's opening statement: Professor Kmiec and I share common ground in the belief that every member of the human family—... From Sam Youngman at The Hill : Even as he conceded there is still much hard work to do, President Obama was in a boastful mood Wednesday night, telling a star-studded crowd at a fundraising dinner that he "would put these first four...
I have been looking forward to the release of Martin Downes' latest Risking The Truth: Handling Error in The Church . Here's the publisher's info: A collection of interviews on handling truth and error in the church. Contributors reflect on this issue in relation to the minister's own life, pulpit...
Scott Clark at Heidelblog has a link to a fascinating study done at Kansas State University. Researchers at Kansas State University have created a map of the prevalence of the Seven Deadly Sins (envy, gluttony, greed, lust, pride, sloth, and wrath) across the USA through statistical analysis (HT:...
"There is...a curious connection between the doctrine of creation out of nothing and the professional life of Richard Dawkins. Without God, Dawkins would be out of a job. it is thus particularly churlish of him to call the existence of his employer into question." - Terry Eagleton from Reason,...
The red ribbon is SO 90's! Now the white knot is where it's at for the savvy, sensitive, non-neanderthal type. According to : “The White Knot is the symbol for marriage equality. Wear it every day to show your support and to create conversation. Use it to tell someone today that equal...
As the Life—So the Fruit For if these thing be in you, and abound, they make you that ye shall neither be barren nor unfruitful in the knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ. (2 Peter 1:8) "If we desire to glorify our Lord by fruitfulness, we must have certain things within us; for nothing can come out...
In a recent article in the L.A. Times Charlotte Allen takes on "superstar atheists." I can't stand atheists -- but it's not because they don't believe in God. It's because they're crashing bores. Other people, most recently the British cultural critic Terry Eagleton in his new book, "Faith, Reason...
Over at Ref21 Rick Phillips has posted a clear and concise rebuttal of N.T. Wright's contention that our future justification before God will be based upon our works. Many of us have been troubled by the influence of N.T. Wright within evangelicalism. Certainly his work on the historical reality of...
It appears that San Diego is infringing on the free exercise of religion. Here's the story: A San Diego pastor and his wife claim they were interrogated by a county official and warned they will face escalating fines if they continue to hold Bible studies in their home. The couple, whose names are...
Dr. Greg Beale recently lectured at Westminster Seminary on Scripture's attestation of inerrancy found in John's Apocalypse. Check out the audio HERE .
Last Sunday is recognized by the church as Ascension Sunday. You can listen to or download Sunday's sermon "Taken Up To Heaven" HERE .
There is another good post at Green Baggins on inerrancy. Check it out HERE .
Kevin Deyoung's post on Memorial Day is, I believe, worth reproducing: It is always tricky to know how the church should or shouldn’t celebrate patriotic holidays. Certainly, some churches blend church and state in such a way that the kingdom of God morphs into a doctrinally-thin, spiritually...
Is the Bible a guidebook for successful living or a personal guide to fulfillment? Perhaps the Bible is God's little rule book. The guys over at the White Horse Inn help us understand that Scripture is to be read first and foremost as God's story of redemption through Jesus Christ. Check out the...
The bookstore at Westminster Theological Seminary has begun posting my book recommendations. If you are interested then click on the Westminster Bookstore link at the right side of this blog and click on "Highest Rated". From there click on any of the books and then on the "pastor/elder review"...
This is my third post on the remarkable fossil of the lemur named "Ida." My original post lampooned the breathless excitement and characteristic overstatements from some within the scientific community. I believed then and believe now that those statements deserved lampooning. Just to refresh your...
Does it surprise anyone that the following words from an AP article have not gotten much play? Experts not connected with the discovery said the finding was remarkably complete because of features like stomach contents. But they questioned the conclusions of Hurum and his colleagues about how...
Over at Green Baggins (one the best blogs on the web) is having a very helpful discussion on the issue of inerrancy. Check it our HERE . Pay special attention to the comments by Rick Phillips . Pastor Phillips is one of my favorite preachers. His books are terrific as well. Also, check out this...
Check out this helpful website from Westminster Theological Seminary.
Russ Douthat has written an excellent piece for the New York Tmes entitled "Dan Brown's America." In the Brownian worldview, all religions — even Roman Catholicism — have the potential to be wonderful, so long as we can get over the idea that any one of them might be particularly true. It’s a...
Does anyone think any members of congress are going to be driving one of these?
“I do think that there is a hunger in the land for a vision of confessional Christianity that is robust, God-centered, tough-minded, able to address today and tomorrow and the next day, and comprehensive.” - D.A. Carson From an interview in Christianity Today .
Ray Ortlund has an excellent (and convicting) post on gossip. Gossip leaves a wide trail of devastation wherever and however it goes – word of mouth, email, blogging, YouTube. It erodes trust and destroys morale. It creates a social environment of suspicion where everyone must wonder what is being...
Finally! Definitive proof that humans evolved from lower speceis. You know that I would never question the words of scientists. The fossil of the lemur is proof positive of Darwinian evolution. How do we know? Because some scientists say so. And believe me, scientists never overplay their hand or...
Commenting in the New York Times on the controversy surrounding President Obama's appearance at Notre Dame University Sheryl Gay Stolberg writes: In nearly four months in office, President Obama has pursued a careful two-pronged strategy on abortion, enacting policies that secure a woman’s right to...
During my years in Wichita I had the blessing of serving as Gracia Burnham's pastor. Gracia was recently in Washington D.C. at the invitation of the Justice Department. In May 2001, Mrs. Burnham and her husband, Martin, missionaries for more than 15 years with New Tribes Mission in the Philippines...
The Praise Factory is producing some outstanding curriculum for children. The author is Connie Dever whose husband, Mark Dever is the pastor of Capitol Hill Baptist Church in Washington D.C. Check out The Praise Factory HERE .
I saw the following posted over at Tom Ascol's sight . Take the time to watch the video. It's worth it. If you have not seen this video of a talk given by Rachel Barkley then I encourage you to stop reading and watch it now. Rachel is a wife and mother who is dying of cancer. She talks about her...
You can download or listen to the last two Sunday's sermons by clicking HERE . The messages are parts 3 and 4 of our currrent series on Hebrews - "Prophet, Priest, & King" and "The Superiority of Christ."
T. David Gordon of Grove City College appeared recently on the White Horse Inn to discuss his new book "Why Johnny Can't Preach." Professor Gordon suggests that, contrary to what the church growth gurus promised, the medium does effect the message. More specifically the contemporary media culture...
If you identify anything or anyone in the universe whose determinitive power and free will trumps the determinitive power and free will of God then worship that because it is God.
From Bloomberg: President Barack Obama , calling current deficit spending “unsustainable,” warned of skyrocketing interest rates for consumers if the U.S. continues to finance government by borrowing from other countries. “We can’t keep on just borrowing from China,” Obama said at a town-hall...
Tim Chester's newest book "The Ordinary Hero" has been released in the UK and will be released in the U.S. soon. Here's the outline: Part One: The pardon of the cross – humble confidence 1. How do you know God loves you? 2. Will God’s love stand up in court? 3. Humility 4. Confidence Part Two: The...
Over at Reformed Forum Iain Campbell discusses the meaning of Song of Songs. In recent days there has been a number of heated interchanges around the web over some of the ways Song of Songs is preached. Dr. Campbell offers sound insight into the meaning of this oft times misunderstood book. Listen...
Check out audio from this year's Basics Conference HERE .
So, I found out that some are wondering why I did not preach a "Mother's Day sermon" last Sunday. I'll be brief. I do not preach Mother's Day messages... 1. for the same reason I do not preach Father's Day, Valentine's Day, Groundhog's Day, Guy Fawkes Day, or Chinese New Year's Day messages. 2...
Unless you have had your head in the sand you have no doubt taken note of the debate over capitalism going on in the U.S. Howard Dean, former head of the DNC recently said in a televised interview that "we have had enough of capitalism in the last eight years." Of course, the federal government...
Click HERE for the John Piper's first two addresses. His address from this morning will be posted later. The first address was a session dealing with the idea that ministers are to labor for the joy of God's people. His second session was from last evening and was a call to preach the doctrine of...
I love to read Carl Trueman. I had to link to his latest post at Reformation 21 : A few years ago I was attending a conference on behalf of the Seminary arranged by an organization which includes in its membership institutions from a wide variety of theological and religious perspectives. As the...
The opening day of Basics has been terrific. One of the things I love about this conference is that it is not overwhelmingly large. It usually runs about 600 pastors. I don't have to navigate a downtown maze or pay for parking. It's not held in a large convention center but in a church. It is truly...
This week I am attending for the seventh year the Basics Conference at Parkside Church in Chagrin Falls, OH. Chagrin Falls is a beautiful town east of Cleveland. Click HERE for an excellent reading list.