Posts by Todd Pruitt

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Check out THIS Audio of Al Mohler on John Calvin as a preacher and teacher.
Check out THIS edition of the Albert Mohler radio program.
From Tim Challies : On September 28, 2008, I was shocked to read these words on the blog of Terry Stauffer , a man I had met at a couple of conferences and who has long been a reader and commenter at my blog: “Last night at about 4:45 our precious 14 year-old daughter Emily was attacked and killed...
Kevin Deyoung has posted some great thoughts on what we can learn from John Calvin about being relevant. Since the contemporary American church has been obsessed with relevance for some time now it would be good reflect on DeYoung's words. Whatever lasting impact John Calvin has had on the church...
Today, July 10, 2009 marks the 500th anniversary of the birth of John Calvin. Allow me to suggest a little reading to mark the occassion: The Institutes of the Christian Religion - Simply the most beautiful, the finest, and most important theological text ever written outside the Holy Spirit's...
Martin Downes over at Against Heresies posted a link to a helpful response from Douglas Kelley to the book "The Openness of God." Dr. Kelly writes: The reason the five authors of The Openness of God deny the infinitude of nearly all the attributes of God is their failure to have heard what Hilary (...
Carl Trueman has written a predictably insightful post over at Ref21 on the ease with which our feelings are hurt in the process of debating important issues. Years ago, I tried (and by general consent failed) to develop as my party trick an impersonation of the Hollywood actor, Christopher Walken...
The more shallow a culture, the more trivial are its objects of worship. Ours is a culture that worships celebrity. The onslaught of reality TV has awakended the possibility that I too can be famous. As Nicole Kidman's character in To Die For said, "Being on TV makes you a better person." The Paris...
Back in May I connected to a truly moving blogsite from a young wife and mother who had been diagnosed with cancer and whose prospects for survival were very low. On July 2nd Rachel Barkey met her Lord. One of the things you learn as you read Rachel's blog is the importance of having a robust, God-...
It is almost impossible to avoid the issue of politics completely. In fact I don't know anyone who has no opinions about politics and politicians. It is no easy task for a preacher to hide completely his political opinions. While I am disgusted with the use of the pulpit to advance any politician...
If you are not familiar with Sojourn Music then do yourself a favor and check them out HERE . The folks at Sojourn Music are committed to preserving for a new generation the great hymns of the Christian faith. Their new CD is entitled "Over The Grave" and is dedicated to the hymns of Isaac Watts.
A new book for children by Sinclair Ferguson is due out in September. All of Ferguson's books are well worth reading. One of the things I appreciate is that he writes for the academy, the laity, and children. This new book, I am sure, will be worth having. Publisher's info: Before the dawn of time...
I'm really enjoying Bernard Cornwell's "The Winter King" which is volume one in a this-worldly retelling of the Arthur legend. Cornwell does historical fiction right.
Check out this episode of the White Horse Inn . The guys discuss the centrality of "God's story" in our evangelism.
Over at IX Marks Mark Dever interviews Ken Myers about Christians and culture. It's worth a listen ( HERE ).
“Herein is comfort for the sorely tempted ones. There is still more to encourage them if they reflect that the Lord Jesus, though tempted, gloriously triumphed, and as he overcame, so surely shall his followers also, for Jesus is the representative man for his people; the Head has triumphed, and...
Today's message was part 7 in the series on Hebrews - "Suffering and Solidarity" (Hebrews 2:10-18). You can listen to or download it HERE .
When in the Course of human events it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to...
Over at Ref21 Joel Beeke has written an "open letter to true believers." Dear believer, I desire to write you about something with which you are well acquainted: affliction. Much has been written on affliction by our forebears. A good part of it you have known for a long time. For example, you know...
‘What we offer the world is not ourselves or our moral example or our spiritual integrity. What we offer the world is our broken lives, saying, “We are sinners saved by grace.” What we offer the world is Jesus Christ and him crucified.' - Mark Galli
Michael Haykin has written what is likely a very helpful little volume on trusting God during these days of financial tribulation: In God We Trust? “Michael Haykin puts today’s financial uncertainties in perspective with a helpful blend of historical and biblical insight. This is a tremendous word...
There is not a day that goes by that I do not need the Gospel of God's grace in Jesus Christ. My daily failures confirm that reality all the more. I fail by doing and saying (and writing) things that I should not. What is more, I fail by NOT doing and saying (and writing) things that I should. At...
“It doesn’t matter how complicated, how desperate, perhaps even hopeless your life has become. No matter how overwhelmed you may feel by your problems, if your trust is in Jesus Christ, you can be sure that he is praying for you now and through that prayer he will provide for you the resources to...
Check out Ligonier Ministry's picks for the top commentaries on each book of the Bible.
Hate crimes legislation does lead to hate speech legislation. Hate speech laws in the U.S. will, I am convinced inevitably be used against preachers who declare what Scriptures teaches about homosexuality. While Attorney General Holder may not be able to conceive of a prosecutor bringing charges...
With his typically keen insight Al Mohler comments on the Mark Sanford fiasco... When Governor Sanford addressed his cabinet just a few days after his confession, he offered an apology to his colleagues and promised to "carry on" as governor. “I wanted generally to apologize to every one of you all...
From an article in The Washington Post by Kevin Deyoung and Ted Kluck: Here's what Bono, Oprah, and the guru speakers on PBS won't tell you: Jesus believed in organized religion and he founded an institution. Of course, Jesus had no patience for religious hacks and self-righteous wannabes, but he...
I'm looking forward to reading "The Lost World of Genesis One." Publisher's Info: In this astute mix of cultural critique and biblical studies, John H. Walton presents and defends twenty propositions supporting a literary and theological understanding of Genesis 1 within the context of the ancient...
Some thoughts on one of America's most common exports - cheesy evangelicalism. I recently attended an English-speaking Evangelical church while on vacation in Mexico (the location is withheld to protect the guilty). It was the only Protestant church that I could find. I would have gladly attended a...
"Of all tyrannies, a tyranny exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It may be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron's cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but those who torment us...
I found the following website over at Denise Malagari's blog. I laughed. I cried. Check it out - THIS IS WHY YOU'RE FAT
Why is it that the Church of Rome has such a flagrant disregard for the Second Commandment? When parishioners of Our Lady of Mt. Carmel Roman Catholic Shrine in Melrose Park decided to create gold crowns for statues of the Virgin Mary and baby Jesus, they donated to the cause by reaching deep into...
Camp goes with summer like peas go with carrots (or something like that). Anyway, Richard Dawkins, the world's most breathless atheist, has a fresh idea for summer camp. It seems that Dr. Dawkins has decided to join the rest of thoughtful humanity and do something for the children. Al Mohler writes...
In the following article Gary Williams responds to Steve Chalke's denial of Christ's penal substitution. Dr. Williams writes: Chalke asks some interesting questions. He is concerned that people almost universally think of ‘certain elements of the Church as judgemental, guilt inducing, bigoted and...
"But let none deceive their own souls; wherever there is a saving principle of grace, it will be thriving and growing unto the end. And if it fall under obstructions, and thereby into decays for a season, it will give no rest or quietness unto the soul wherein it is, but will labor continually for...
This week's sermon is part 6 of the series on Hebrews - "The Story of the Christ." You can listen to or download it HERE .
When the Lord’s ways do not neatly conform to our pat little paradigms of what seems (to our fallible minds) right and just, and good and faithful, it says something about human nature that usually the first thought that comes to mind is that something is wrong with God. Somehow the last thing that...
Writing about the sad revelations of marital infidelity by South Carolina Governor Mark Sanford, Joe Carter of First Things writes: Sanford may very well turn out to be guilty of hypocrisy if he refuses to resign. But he is repeatedly being refereed to as a hypocrite for the wrong reasons by people...
Justin Taylor has a link to an important and timely post by Randy Alcorn concerning the consequences of sexual sin. Personalized List of Anticipated Consequences of Immorality Grieving my Lord; displeasing the One whose opinion most matters. Dragging into the mud Christ's sacred reputation. Loss of...
Q. 21: What is true faith? A.: True faith is not only a sure knowledge whereby I hold for truth all that God has revealed to us in his Word, but also a hearty trust, which the Holy Spirit works in me by the Gospel, that not only to others, but to me also, forgiveness of sins, everlasting...
Mark Sanford the Governor of South Carolina admitted today in a press conference that his recent camping trip in the Appalachians was actually an adulterous romp in Buenos Aires. I confess my cynicism regarding politicians flares up in moments like this. After all it seems that a disproportionate...
I am going to try to comment only once more on the Jon and Kate situation (see previous post HERE ). I confess that I did watch the fiasco Monday evening. As every person in the known world knows by now Jon and Kate are pursuing a divorce. It seems that Kate will continue to build her empire while...
I saw the following two clips posted at Martin Downes' excellent blog . The first clip is a scene from The West Wing which is an example of smug liberal hermeneutic falacy. The second clip is Dr. Robert Gagnon who deals with some of the very same issues raised by Hollywood's president. Very helpful...
Michael Horton of Westminster Seminary California appeard recently on CBN News to speak briefly about trends in contemporary evangelicalism. He is also asked about his excellent book Christless Christianity . Check out the video HERE . Order Christless Christianity HERE .
There has been quite a bit of buz concerning the latest stats about the number of young people raised in the church who abandon the church and even the faith once they graduate from high school. In light of these trends Kimberly Wagner over at True Woman has posted some thoughts for the church to...
Sunday's sermon was part 5 in our series on Hebrews - "Warning! Don't Neglect A Great Salvation." You can listen to or download it HERE .
Over at First Things Joe Carter reports: Earlier this week, members of the President’s Council on Bioethics were told by the White House that their services were no longer needed. President Obama’s decision was made and implemented in his typical style—gracious, pragmatic, and imprudent. According...
I have been looking forward to the release of Richard Gamble's The Whole Counsel of God for some time. It is the first in a projected 3 volumes. Here's the publisher's description: Richard Gamble offers a comprehensive theology attuned to the methodological advantages of biblical theology combined...