Posts by Todd Pruitt

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“We are not really prepared for life until we are prepared for death. In California, at least, people are not really allowed to die. They just ‘pass away.’ Unlike the crosses in the churchyard that were once visible through the glass windows as people heard God’s Word and invoked His name for...
From a recent Colbert Report featuring an interview with famed atheist Richard Dawkins: Dawkins : “You asked me for the evidence for evolution, where’s the evidence for God?” Colbert : “Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups.” HT: USA Today online
I have the pleasure of serving on the board for Paul Tripp Ministries. Paul is a man who gets the gospel right. What is more, he has a heart for pastors and a vision for a healthy, vibrant church. Church of the Saviour will be hosting Paul on January 10-12 for a conference entitled "Your Walk with...
Great post from Russell Moore: At first glance, this is just another celebrity soap opera, and, frankly speaking, not a particularly shocking one. What interests me, though, is not that Letterman was doing “terrible things.” What else would I expect a man outside of Christ to do? What’s interesting...
I am not a cultural crusader in the Moral Majority sense. Christians are strangers and aliens here. American Christians, while valuing religious freedom ought to be more opposed than anyone else to the notion of a state sponsored church. Christians must approach politics very carefully in order to...
Today I departed from our series through Hebrews to deal with Jesus' words in Matthew 6:19-34. The title of the message is Money, Treasures, and Eternity and can be listened to or downloaded HERE .
Much has already been said about the arrest of well known director Roman Polanski. If there was any doubt about the radical chasm that exists between liberal Hollywood and the rest of America, the Polanski ordeal removes it. It is Whoopi Goldberg saying on The View that Polanski drugging, raping,...
Phil Johnson has weighed in on Rob Bell's notorious Boston Globe interview with characteristic straighforwardness. One thing is clear: Bell himself is no true evangelical in any historic sense of the term. The Boston Globe's headline ("Bell aims to restore true meaning of 'evangelical'") is exactly...
An article in Christianity Today reflects on the religious themes in the films of Joel and Ethan Coen. In the cinematic universe of award-winning directors Joel and Ethan Coen, morality matters. Good and evil are usually depicted clearly as such; there are rarely shades of gray. Sometimes their...
From the "God Exposed" Conference: Expository Faithfulness from Sovereign Grace Ministries on Vimeo ...
I was recently visiting the website of All Souls Church in New York. All Souls is a well known and historic Unitarian Universalist church. One of the many things that saddened me as I perused their webpage was the bulletin of a recent Sunday morning service. In the bulletin was printed a revised...
This time Rob Bell is redefining "evangelical." And why not? He has already redefined "Gospel" to suit his preferences. Once you tinker around with the Gospel is anything sacred? Bell was interviewed by Michael Paulson of the Boston Globe's online site. In the interview Paulson asks Bell for a...
I have been looking forward to the re-release of John Wenham's Christ and the Bible . Now it is finally available HERE . This is what Mark Dever says about it in his annotated bibliography on inerrancy: I’ve saved the best for last. If I could just recommend one book on the inerrancy of the Bible...
Derek Thomas' latest post at Ref21 deals with a very sensative question - "Will a loving God condemn people to hell?" It is a question that came my way recently: will God really condemn good people to hell? And the answer is yes. However, we need to approach the answer with some deliberate...
George Robinson from the God Exposed Conference:
Gene Veith has linked to a fascinating story which demonstrates once again how archaeology supports the biblical narrative. In this case it is the discovery of Egyptian coins bearing the name and image of Joseph. Now, studies still need to be done but this looks very interesting. Check out the...
Greg Beale discusses The Erosion of Inerrancy with Al Mohler. Check it out HERE . Dr. Beale will be joining the faculty of Westminster Theological Seminary in the near future. He has done outstanding work defending the doctrine of Scripture's inerrancy.
Recently Michael Horton gave a series of lectures on the subject of his newest book "The Gospel-Driven Life." Session #1: The Front Page God (MP3) Session #2: The Promise-Driven Life (MP3) Session #3: Feasting in a Fast Food Food World (MP3) Session #4: Question and Answer (MP3)
The following is Mark Dever's message from the God Exposed Conference at Southeastern Baptist Seminary. Mark Dever, pastor of Capitol Hill Baptist Church in Washington D.C. is one of my heros. When I was a new and terribly green pastor of a new Southern Baptist Church it was Dever and IX Marks...
I was happy to spend the weekend speaking at a singles retreat at Longbeach Island. Thanks to the hosts for making it possible to bring my family along. We had a good time. I spoke on the subject of the centrality of the Gospel in the life of the believer. First we dealt with what the Gospel is...
"The saying is trustworthy and deserving of full acceptance, that Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners, of whom I am the foremost. But I received mercy for this reason, that in me, as the foremost, Jesus Christ might display his perfect patience as an example to those who were to...
Listen to Dr. Vern Poythress' Westminster chapel message on biblical theology as a distinctive of WTS Here .
Boyce College (the undergraduate college of Southern Seminary) hosted an excellent panel discussion on the topic of eschatology. Among the issues discussed is Dr. Schreiner's recent move from amillenialism to premellenialism. Listen HERE . God Exposed Conference Promo from Southeastern Seminary on Vimeo ...
Okay, I know this may ruffle a few feathers. Nevertheless, Michael Haykin has written an excellent atricle on the Baptist/Calvinist connection. While an answer to the question of where Baptists came from has yet to reach a widespread consensus among Baptist historians, few of them would be prepared...
In light of my last two sermons based on Hebrews 6:4-12 I thought I would follow up with some links to helpful resources on the doctrine of Perseverance of the Saints. See this catalogue of biblical texts compiled by Nathan Pitchford. Three helpful studies by Sam Storms Here , Here , and Here . "...
“I formulate the Gospel this way: it is information issuing in invitation; it is proclamation issuing in persuasion. It is an admonitory message embracing five themes. First, God: the God whom Paul proclaimed to the Athenians in Acts 17, the God of Christian theism. Second, humankind: made in God’s...
Few writers, if any, have had as profound an impact on my thinking as J.I. Packer. He has been and continues to be a blessed gift to the church of Jesus Christ. Books such as Knowing God , Evangelism and the Sovereignty of God , The Quest for Godliness , Fundamentalism and the Word of God , and...
It seems that in every election cycle those of us who will not, indeed cannot vote for a pro-abortion rights candidate are chastised as being myopic, too narrow, single-issue voters. Of course, everyone has a single issue over which they will separate from a candidate but that is another post...
Look around the typical large or mega-church and try to find the children. Increasingly, they are disappearing from the church's corporate worship. I know why we do it: Kids can be noisy. Parents need a break. Kids won't really learn anything in "big church." Ironically, the third reason which is...
From Jonathan Leeman over at Church Matters : "Mistakes Pastors Make When Practicing Church Discipline" 1. They fail to teach their congregation what church discipline is and why to practice it. 2. They fail to teach about and practice meaningful membership. This involves cultivating a culture of...
Sunday's Sermon was part 18 in our series through Hebrews. It is entitled "Persevering to the End" (pt. 2) and the passage was Hebrews 6:4-12. You can listen to or download it HERE .
Tremper Longman, whose work I truly appreciate, has recently stated that the Genesis account does not insist on believing that Adam was an historical person. My conviction is that Scripture clearly teaches the historicity of Adam. James Anderson has posted an excellent response to Dr. Longman by...
In an excellent article Russell Moore addresses the controversy over former presidential candidate John Edwards and his paternity troubles. Far from sensationalistic Moore uses the occassion to reflect both on the significance of paternity and the mission of the church. Edwards risked more than his...
Michael Horton's follow-up to his excellent "Christless Christianity" is now available. "The Gospel-Driven Life" promises to be an important book. From the Publisher: In his well-received Christless Christianity Michael Horton offered a prophetic wake-up call for a self-centered American church...
Carl Trueman of Westminster Seminary is going to be speaking at what promises to be a terrific event - "Colorado Springs Reformation Day Conference." The theme is "Martin Luther: Saint and Sinner." If you're in the area you will want to check it out. “I cannot think of a young evangelical writer...
Richard Phillips discusses his new book "The Masculine Mandate" over at Reformed Forum . Check it out HERE .
In 1993 my wife and I received the glad news that we would be welcoming our first child into our family. We were delighted and anxious at the same time. We knew that having a baby would change everything. But we were excited about who this little one would be. We were taken of guard however when... Fernando Ortega - "Give Me Jesus" from Adamson.TV on Vimeo . HT: Justin Taylor...
From John Piper : 1. The good news of God’s substituting his Son for us on the cross depends on it. “Truly in this city there were gathered together against your holy servant Jesus, whom you anointed, both Herod and Pontius Pilate, along with the Gentiles and the peoples of Israel, to do whatever...
Does God's sovereignty extend even to the pain we experience? Is His good providence at work in cancer, job loss, or abandonment? Can we trust that God is both in control and good when life hurts? This Friday at Church of the Saviour Steve Estes will be addressing these kinds of questions. Steve is...
"I must hold to the old Gospel: I can do no other: God helping me, I will endure the consequences of what men think obstinacy." Charles Spurgeon
As a Texan I have always been a fan of David Robinson, "The Admiral." He was a truly great player but he is also an exceptionally decent man. Robinson was recently inducted into the Basketball Hall of Fame. His speech is worth listening to for it provides a model of humble Christian dignity.
Not long before I came to be their Teaching Pastor, Church of the Saviour journeyed through Stephen Smallman's wonderful little book 40 Days on the Mountain . Now Smallman has a new book entitled The Walk . Publisher's Description: The Walk is a book written to those who have expressed a desire to...
So what do you think? What does this say about our ecclesiology?
Sunday's message was part 17 in our series through Hebrews. It is entitled "Persevering to the End" (pt. 1). The text is Hebrews 6:4-12. You can listen to or download it HERE . In this message I seek to allow the sharp edge of the warning to do its work. In part two I will consider this same text...
Roe V. Wade is bad law. Technology has done nothing put bolster the argument that an undborn child is precisely that - an unborn child . National surveys have shown that a greater percentage of Americans identifty themselves as pro-life than did in 1973. Considering these facts, why is it that...
During Church of the Saviour's search for a senior teaching pastor Dr. David Garner was frequently called upon to fill the pulpit. He was a blessing to COS. Dr. Garner is Associate Professor of Theology and Vice President for Advanement at Westminster Theological Seminary. On September 10th David...