Posts by Todd Pruitt

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Writing for Towers , a publication of the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, Jim Hamilton reflects on lessons learned during his first pastorate. I identify with much of what he writes. It's worth reading as churches often struggle with what a pastor is to be and do. Jesus gets glory when...
From Banner of Truth : 'How Liberal Theology Infected Scotland' is a deeply instructive short article written by R. A. Finlayson, the late professor of Systematic Theology in the Free Church College in Edinburgh. Finlayson attributed the nineteenth century infiltration of Liberalism into a...
From The White Horse Inn : Is something wrong with the soil in the evangelical garden? According to Warren Cole Smith, author of A Lover's Quarrel with the Evangelical Church, the answer to that question, unfortunately, is yes. On this edition of the White Horse Inn, Michael Horton talks with...
If you're looking for a good introductory answer to this question (in 12 pages), here's a helpful presentation by Matt Harmon , delivered at the No Doubt Apologetics Conference in Indianapolis. HT: Justin Taylor
Actual Craigslist post: washington, DC craigslist > district of columbia > for sale / wanted > items wanted please flag with care: Wanted: Christian Church Date: 2009-08-17, 9:12AM EDTReply to: [Errors when replying to ads?] Looking for a church based...
Here is yet another reason why I like John MacArthur : Let's be brutally honest: most of Jesus' teaching is completely out of sync with the mores that dominate our culture. I'm talking, of course, about the Jesus we encounter in Scripture, not the always-gentle, never-stern, über-lenient coloring-...
From 11 Alive News: METRO ATLANTA, Ga. -- Last weekend an Atlanta pastor made a promise that stunned his congregation and most of the people who heard it.In a speech that discussed abortion, the President, and the sanctity of life, the most provocative statement from Pastor Vic Pentz of Peachtree...
HT: Justin Taylor
Sunday's sermon was part 13 of the series through Hebrews - "Since we have a Great High Priest" (Heb. 4:14-16). You can lisen to or download it HERE .
I have posted a link to a great resource for prayer under the "devotions" section in the right-hand column. It is called "Pray the Bible" and is based upon Matthew Henry's classic Method for Prayer .
As a follow up to my last post take time to read Erik Raymond's thoughts about Michael Vick. He wonders what is wrong with a culture that is more scandalized by the death of some dogs than it is by over one million abortions each year. Why is it that abortion is relegated to a controversial taboo...
"Two things you need to understand about WASP's: They love animals but they hate people." - Gordon Gekko from the movie Wall Street Initially I greeted the news about Michael Vick becoming a Philadelphia Eagle with a measure of cynicism. Certainly his participation in dogfighting was wrong, foolish...
Bryan Chapell's commentary on Ephesians is the latest installment in the wonderful Reformed Expository Commentary series. Right now you can get it from WTS Bookstore for only $9.99 (67% off!). Also, "The Cradle, The Cross, and the Crown" promises to be an outstanding contribution to New Testament...
This Sunday, Lord willing, I will be preaching from Hebrews 4:14-16 which deals with both the divinity and humanity of Jesus. As a word of comfort for struggling saints the inspired writer emphasizes Christ's identification with us through his humanity. "For we do not have a high priest who is...
"We have to deal with a spirit, I know not how to denominate it, unless I call it a spirit of moderatism in the pulpits of protestant churches. Men have begun to rub off the rough edges of truth, to give up the doctrines of Luther and Zwingle, and Calvin, and to endeavour to accommodate them to...
Okay, I said my next post would be a review of the book "When Helping Hurts." However, I found this interview with the authors and thought it would be beneficial. I'll begin going into detail on this important book in the next post.
It seems that worship is too often limited to the topic of music. Since music is an emotional issue (in the church at least) this narrowing is probably why discussions concerning worship often generate more heat than light. There is also a tendency to assume that the forms of worship are completely...
While serving as a pastor in Wichita, Kansas I had the honor of being connected with Choices Medical Clinic (a pro-life) medical clinic. They have had an awesome ministry. One of the creatively compassionate things that Choices provided for parents who discovered that their yet unborn child had a...
Even as the emergent movement begins to slip into obscurity where it will eventually end up on the trash heap of other unhelpful fads that have harmed the church I am still frequently asked about it. Emergent is a notoriously slippery little bugger but there are nevertheless some things about it...
I know about Judd Apatow. I know about his movies. I've seen almost half of "40 Year Old Virgin" but have not seen "Knocked Up." I have heard the buzz about his movies being a strange new brand of raunchy social conservatism - the South Park phenomenon as it were. His movies have been extremely...
Joel Stein who writes for Time Magazine certainly comes across as smug and condescending. He is also no fan of Christians who take their confession seriously. In an article he wrote for in July he puts these "qualities" on display. However, he also stumbles upon some truth. What is more,...
When you get a chance listen to Sinclair Ferguson's wonderful sermon on Jesus' parable of the Prodigal Son - "Slavery or Sonship" .
Steve Camp posted some thoughts on a wonderful quote from the good bishop of Liverpool J.C. Ryle : "Young men, I want you all to be free from this bondage. I want each of you to care nothing about man's opinion, when the path of duty is clear." Here are a few of my thoughts: I'll be honest. I am a...
Check it out HERE .
Today's message was part 12 in our series through Hebrews - "Consider the Power of God's Word" (Heb. 4:12-13). You can listen to or download it HERE .
"Four Favorites on the Doctrine of Scripture" by John Frame 1. B. B. Warfield, The Inspiration and Authority of the Bible (new edition: Kessinger Publishing, 2008). Virtually the same as Revelation and Inspiration (Baker, 2000). These essays are the most influential in forming the evangelical and...
I have been preaching through Hebrews which makes frequent use of the Old Testament. Some critical scholars both past and present quite confidently declare that the writer of Hebrews, along with other New Testament writers, simply misuses and misinterprets the Old Testament. But I find this...
From Ligonier Ministries : Is God concerned with the material well-being of Christians? When did God decide to give us eternal life? How are we to keep the Sabbath in today's society? Does the Bible tell us what heaven will be like? How can we as Christians ascertain when God's Word was applicable...
Bob Dylan likes to surprise. Now he is doing so by recording his first Christmas album. Here's the story: Prominent media expert and best-selling author Michael Levine said the move by Dylan was "completely consistent with his longstanding tradition of doing the unexpected. Concerning Bob Dylan...
As I mentioned in a previous post the good folks at Westminster Bookstore were kind enough to give me a copy of When Helping Hurts by Steve Corbett and Brian Fikkert. I have read it and can say with confidence that it is the best book on giving meaningful help to the impoverished that I have ever...
One of the concerns that have been expressed by those of us opposed to abortion is whether or not abortions would be funded under government provided health care coverage. This of course would mean that tax payers would be forced to pay for abortions. From the Associated Press: WASHINGTON (AP) -...
A Praying Life by Paul Miller is an outstanding new book. Instead of writing my own review I will show you what Sean Lucas over at Ref21 has written: One of the best books that I've read recently is Paul Miller's A Praying Life . I had quoted from it a few days ago, but that does not sum up the...
My favorite radio program has a new design for their website. Check it out HERE . They (particularly Dr. Horton) are also responsible for my favorite magazine, Modern Reformation . Do yourself a favor and subscribe.
Over at Between Two Worlds , Andy Naselli has posted an interesting interview with Randy Alcorn. Among the things discussed is Alcorn's new book, If God Is So Good... It's definitely worth the read. I highly recommend Alcorn's book Money, Possessions, and Eternity .
I have been preaching through the book of Hebrews in recent weeks. Thus far we are about half way through chapter four. With its warning passages Hebrews gives ample opportunity to reflect on the nature of apostasy and the doctrine of Perseverance of the Saints. Monergism provides links to some...
Let our hearts admit, "I am poor and weak. Satan is too subtle, too cunning, too powerful; he watches constantly for advantages over my soul. The world presses in upon me with all sorts of pressures, pleas, and pretences. My own corruption is violent, tumultuous, enticing, and entangling. As it...
One of my favorite sites on the web is . It is an outstanding resource for study and devotion. Monergism has a wealth of theological resources ranging from articles, audio, a bookstore, a blog, and more. Check out their bookstore for great prices on great books. Also, if you have any...
Carl Trueman's latest entry over at Ref21 deals with our "cult of options" and the lonliness and even hostility that is experienced by the leader who dares to make choices. Certainly, much of the culture surrounding Christianity at the moment militates against the kind of commitment that making a... I was blessed to be Gracia's pastor in Wichita. She's a great woman and a good friend. Find out more about her ministry HERE .
Recently the White Horse Inn broadcast two very helpful discussions on "Paul's missional approach in the first century." Michael Horton and the panel appeal to Colossians for insight into how Christians engage a culture that is increasingly post-Christian. Listen HERE and HERE .
Yesterday's message was part 11 in the series through Hebrews - "Strive to Enter God's Rest" (Heb. 4:6-11). You can download or listen to it HERE .
Let me begin with a disclaimer. This post does not reflect my own state of mind. I am one of those fortunate pastors who has served two churches who have cared for and loved me. Of course it is possible that there is right now a contingent of people who want my head on a platter but so far...
I saw the following over at Tullian's blog ... Scotty Smith, Pastor for Preaching, Teaching, and Worship at Christ Community Church (PCA) in Franklin, Tennessee wrote the following prayer based upon Romans 12:17-21: "Do not repay anyone evil for evil. Be careful to do what is right in the eyes of...
Using a concordance ought to require a license . The following video is just one more sad example of sloppy and kooky biblical exegesis. And as long as it sells there will continue to be an audience for "pin the tail on the anti-Christ." For some sanity and sound biblical studies check out: The Man...
Last Sunday's sermon was part 10 in the Hebrew's series - "The Sabbath Rest" (Hebrews 4:1-5). You can listen to or download it HERE .