Posts by Todd Pruitt

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Check out this excellent discussion on the Al Mohler Radio Program on the topic of how Christians ought to think about health care reform. Healthcare is in the media today, and at the top of the President’s domestic policy agenda. Is it wise for the government to provide healthcare for everyone?...
Criticizing someone redemptively is a spiritual act of service. It is also something that needs to be thought through carefully before doing it. Often times we criticize not for the purpose of blessing and healing but for the purpose of venting anger. Likewise, receiving criticism well is a deeply...
On a recent edition of the White Horse Inn the discussion dealt with the prevailing attitude among some within the church that the ministry of the Word is boring. How should the church respond to this? Should the church try to be more entertaining in order to better engage a culture that demands...
"...a large part of the New Testament is polemic; the enunciation of evangelical truth was occasioned by the errors which had arisen in the churches...At the present time, when the opponents of the gospel are almost in control of our churches, the slightest avoidance of the defense of the gospel is...
Yesterday was J. Gresham Machen's birthday. Here is found the most fundamental difference between liberalism and Christianity--liberalism is altogether in the imperative mood, while Christianity begins with a triumphant indicative; liberalism appeals to man's will, while Christianity announces,...
There is an interesting article on a recent find in South China. Charles Choi writes: Conventional wisdom has it that the first animals evolved in the ocean. Now researchers studying ancient rock samples in South China have found that the first animal fossils are preserved in ancient lake deposits...
"We all hear things we don't like said about people and causes that we are fond of but in the changed social atmosphere we are being encouraged to give public notice if such language offends us. I am now being repeatedly told that I am entitled not to be offended. So--from now on--not offended is...
Yesterday I posted a link to the book "Beyond the Bounds" in reference to a larger point I was trying to make briefly on the necessity of polemics. Polemics is the practice of proclaiming the truth with reference to specific errors. The Scriptures frequently engage in polemics. We find polemic in...
Mark Galli has a great article on gay marriage at Christianity Today . ‘Evangelicals are sensitive to this reality, but are less aware of how much we proactively participate in the culture of individualism. While stopping short of abortion, we have not given much thought to our easy acceptance of...
In the history of God's people it has been a necessary practice to identify false teaching and, yes, those who are responsible for it. It seems however that all too often the effite American church has a distaste for hurting the feelings of false teachers. But when the shepherds of God's people do...
I saw the following video of Ed Welch over at Justin Taylor's site . I highly recommend the book "Depression: A Stubborn Darkness." It is perhaps the most helpful and biblical thing I have read on the topic.
Dr. Jim Hamilton of Southern Baptist Theological Seminary has written a helpful article explaining what he calls "the evangelical view of Scripture." Read it HERE .
I'm looking forward to the 2009 Preaching Conference at Westminster Theological Seminary. You can download the brochure HERE . There is a great line up of speakers including Derek Thomas and Carl Trueman.
As some of you know the Episcopal Church USA has taken serious steps toward fully embracing homosexuality (see HERE ). This of course is nothing new for this denomination. The ordination to bishop of openly homosexual Eugene Robinson. Interestingly, but not surprisingly the denominations that are...
Some worthwhile articles from Carl Trueman at The Sola Panel on the importance of church history: 1. The Theological Importance of Criminal Profiling 2. Sticking It to the Man 3. Learning from the Pretenders
It's good to know that there are still some role models in sports. Update: Great cover article in Sports Illustrated on Tim Tebow.
Al Mohler provides historical and biblical perspective to former President Carter's public denunciation of his own denomination: In his article, President Carter reiterated his decision to sever public ties with the Southern Baptist Convention. In his words: So my decision to sever my ties with the...
Justin Taylor has posted the following links to parenting seminars from Covenant Life Church in Gaithersburg, Maryland: Parenting Ages Infant to 5 (by Brian Chesemore) Training, Discipline, and the Rod Outline (PDF) Biblical Principles of Parenting Outline (PDF) Parenting Ages 6 to 10 (by Kenneth...
One of my favorite books on the church is 9 Marks of a Healthy Church by one of my favorite pastors Mark Dever of Capitol Hill Baptist Church in Washington D.C. Dever identifies biblical theology as one of the "marks" of a healthy church. Dever writes about an incident which illustrates the...
Martin Downes has posted two excellent articles on the doctrine of Christ's Substitutionary Atonement. Specifically he defends the doctrine from the claims that it is 1) inconsistent with Jesus' command to turn the other cheek and 2) that it is akin to child abuse on the part of the Father. Check...
“Imagine someone holding forth on biology whose only knowledge of the subject is the Book of British Birds and you have a rough idea of what it feels like to read Richard Dawkins on theology.” - Terry Eagleton on "The God Delusion" by Richard Dawkins Check out this article on Eagleton from "The New...
From a post by Gene Veith : The National Education Association, the country’s major teachers’ union, had more than education on its mind at its annual convention : The National Education Association has thrown its full support behind homosexual “marriage.” The NEA recently held its annual...
John Piper has recently said that David Daniell's biograpy of William Tyndale is one of the best books he has ever read. That's a pretty good endorsement. Anyway, if you are not in the habit of reading biography I encourage you to take it up.
From Al Mohler: Tom Krattenmaker, a Portland, Oregon based member of the paper's Board of Contributors, levels a broadside attack on the unity, inspiration, and veracity of the Bible as the Word of God in his column, " Fightin' Words ". Krattenmaker first celebrates what he describes as "a year of...
It looks like the U.S. Senate is creating more crimes and potentially more criminals by expanding hate crimes legislation. Preachers, or anyone else for that matter, who proclaim the truth of God's Word concerning homosexuality and sex outside of marriage will likely be exposed to the possibility...
I assume most of us would agree that any person serving as a justice on the United States Supreme Court ought to know the laws in our country concerning abortion. It appears however that this may not be the case, at least with Judge Sonia Sotomayor who will in all likelihood be overwhelmingly...
This week's message was part 9 in our series on Hebrews - "The Faithless Shall Fall" (Heb. 3:7-19). You can listen to or download it HERE .
Capitol Hill Baptist Church , one of my favorite churches, has a new podcast page. Lot's of stuff well worth listening to. Check it out HERE .
I posted a link to this back in 07 and just had to revisit this incredible story... Stop whatever you are doing and check it out HERE .
Kevin DeYoung provides a very helpful annalysis of N.T. Wrights perspective on the doctrine of justification. Check it out HERE , HERE , and HERE .
Church isn't boring because we're not showing enough film clips, or because we play an organ instead of guitar. It's boring because we neuter it of its importance. Too often we treat our spiritual lives like the round of golf used to open George Barna's Revolution . At the end of my life, I want my... Bathtub IV from Keith Loutit on Vimeo . This is not annimation or stop-motion. This is real photography. It's called "tilt shift." “Tilt...
"Yes, the ruling about that surprised me. [Harris v. McRae — in 1980 the court upheld the Hyde Amendment, which forbids the use of Medicaid for abortions.] Frankly I had thought that at the time Roe was decided, there was concern about population growth and particularly growth in populations that...
I saw the following post over at . There is a lot of unsettling truth in this post: I have a friend who is a pastor and his father is a doctor. He told his son “I feel sorry for you. I don’t have to be friends with all of my patients.” When someone comes to a pastor the pastor can...
Listen to an excellent discussion on the Al Mohler radio program of why so many institutions that were once evangelical have become liberal or completely secular. This is one of the reasons why I am thankful for the leadership of Drs. Trueman and Lillback at Westminster Seminary in insisting that... Taco Bell's New Green Menu Takes No Ingredients From Nature
The Discerning Reader has posted a helpful review and recommendation of Paul Tripp's new book "Broken-Down House." Paul David Tripp, whom I readily disclose as one of my favorite Christian authors alongside John Piper, puts the Christian-life-as-a-house metaphor to effective service in his newest...
"Take care, brothers, lest there be in any of you an evil, unbelieving heart, leading you to fall away from the living God. But exhort one another every day, as long as it is called “today,” that none of you may be hardened by the deceitfulness of sin." - Hebrews 3:12-13 It is rightly called the...
You can subscribe to my book recommendations at Westminster Bookstore by 1) clicking HERE 2) click on the first book 3) click on "pastor/elder review" 4) click on "Todd Pruitt" 5) click on "subscribe" under my name. You'll receive updates when new books are added to my list of recommendations. Also...
From Al Mohler: On November 3, 1921, J. Gresham Machen presented an address entitled, "Liberalism or Christianity?" In that famous address, later expanded into the book, Christianity & Liberalism, Machen argued that evangelical Christianity and its liberal rival were, in effect, two very...
From Justin Barnard at Public Discourse: Many are pointing to Obama’s pick of an Evangelical to head the National Institutes of Health as a sign of the president's willingness to reach out to those with differing viewpoints. But his pick holds conflicted views about the human embryo and will...
This week's sermon was part 8 in the series on Hebrews: "Fix Your Thoughts on Jesus" (3:1-6). You can listen to or download it HERE .
Martin Luther struggled many years to believe that God loved him. As he considered his sin he concluded that a righteous God could not possibly love him. After his discovery of the Gospel of God's grace he would still struggle mightily against the temptations and accusations of Satan. Luther,...
First Things is one of my favorite magazines. It is conservative and, yes, Catholic. Joseph Bottum, editor of First Things offers a helpful analysis of Pope Benedict's new encyclical on economic and social justice. "Carnitas in Veritate" has been causing quite a stir. It is even being discussed...
I saw this posted over at Provocations and Panting : " Jonathan Dodson , pastor of Austin City Life , recently announced that he has completed his new booklet, “Fight Club: Gospel-Centered Discipleship” which will be e-published for free first The Resurgence , with a print on demand option. Dodson...
Monergism is offering free shipping for orders of $25 or more during the month of July.
That we approach God in the name and by the merit of Jesus is good news for sinners. As for me, a cheif among sinners it is profoundly good news. I have no merits to plead. My name is wholly unimpressive. Even my best works bear the stink of selfish motives. If not for the active obedience, atoning...