Posts by Todd Pruitt

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Ben Witherington has been interacting with Bart Ehrman's latest - Jesus Interrupted . Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5
Paul Tripp's excellent series on marriage, "What Did You Expect?" is now available in DVD and audio CD's . Highly recommended!
I am continuing my reading of Ancient Word, Changing Worlds by Nichols and Brandt. As chapter one continues there is mention of J. Gresham Machen, a champion of inerrancy and Harry Emerson Fosdick whose views boldly diverged from biblical orthodoxy. Fosdick's famous sermon, "Shall the...
It would probably be a good idea to know how the federal government spends our tax dollars. Click HERE to find out more.
Great stuff on how to treat each other from John Piper: Six Biblical Guidelines for Loving Each Other Amid Differences 1. Let’s avoid gossiping. 2. Let’s identify evidences of grace in each other and speak them to each other and about each other. 3. Let’s speak criticism directly to each other if...
"And Aaron shall lay both his hands on the head of the live goat, and confess over it all the iniquities of the people of Israel, and all their transgressions, all their sins. And he shall put them on the head of the goat and send it away into the wilderness by the hand of a man who is in...
Followers of this blog know that we have been dealing a lot with the Bible's trustworthiness. I am reading Stephen Nichols' excellent book Ancient Word, Changing Worlds. It looks as if another worthy volume is soon to be released: Words of Life: Scripture as the Living and Active Word of God by...
Carl Trueman is Professor of Historical Theology and Church History at Westminster Theological Seminary . I have very much appreciated his ministry of teaching and preaching. You can access some of Dr. Trueman's audio HERE . Really good stuff! Carl is also an outstanding writer. He blogs regularly...
It's the fight that seems never to end. Every generation of Christians is faced with those who challenge the truthfulness and reliability of the Bible. We expect this from unbelievers and those who are hostile toward Christianity. What is disheartening is when these voices of criticism come from...
You can listen to or download Sunday's sermon, "The Meaning of Easter" by clicking HERE .
Michael Horton of Westminster Seminary California is one of the church's most important theologians. He teaches a Sunday School class at Christ United Reformed Church. Some of the classes are "Introduction to Systematic Theology," "Romans," "Christianity and Culture," and "God and Suffering." Check...
It's just this sort of thing that could turn me into a conspiracy theorist. Anyway, if you have a pro-life bumper sticker, are concerned about the government's refusal to enforce immigration laws, believe that the federal government ought to respect the rights of states, or have served in the...
Check out this story from Catholic News Agency : Chicago, Ill., Apr 8, 2009 / 01:08 pm ( CNA ).- Yesterday, Dr. Mehment Oz appeared on the Oprah Winfrey Show to voice his support for adult stem cell research and to argue that “the stem cell debate is dead,” but instead of giving his statement a...
Over at Ref21 Stephen Nichols has written a timely post entitled "The Day After Easter." "Easter is over. The new clothes are hung up, the candy has been eaten, and choir directors and pastors everywhere--not to mention ushers--are enjoying the quiet routines of a Monday. For the diehard Reformed,...
The Colbert Report Mon - Thurs 11:30pm / 10:30c Bart Ehrman Colbert Report Full Episodes Political Humor NASA Name Contest Ehrman is a hack who gets his facts wrong. He is a man who, for whatever reason has a...
The Bible makes it plain and experience confirms that we are all of us, sinners. “For all have sinned and fall short of God’s glory” (Rom 3:23). Elsewhere we are told that Christ “died for the ungodly,” and “while we were still sinners Christ died for us.” In Romans 3 we’re told that no one is...
Here is what Emergent Church leader Tony Jones thinks about Christ's work of atonement: Some people today may find it compelling that some Great Cosmic Transaction took place on that day 1,980 years ago, that God's wrath burned against his son instead of against me. I find that version of atonement...
The first picture is of some ugly guy with a beautiful woman. The next shot is of Maundy Thursday Mass at St. Patricks. The last two pictures are of St. Paul's Chapel which is located directly across the street from the World Trade Center.
[youtube] Visit for Breaking News , World News , and News about the Economy
Over at Church Matters Greg Gilbert posts an important critique of the "gospel" proposed by N.T. Wright and endorsed by Scot McKnight. Greg writes: Like many others, Scot has been advocating recently for a "broader" gospel than what I have called "The Gospel of the Cross," and this post, I think,...
I believe that reform of the public school system, particularly urban public schools is the leading edge of advancing civil rights in our country. African American young people face distinct disadvantages because of fatherlessness and the popularizing of thug-culture. However, those problems, which...
Yesterday, addressing students in Istanbul, President Obama declared that "America is not a Christian nation." That is a pretty bold statement especially considering it was made in a predominantly Muslim nation. Without any ad hominem attacks on President Obama or each other I would like to know...
Have you seen the cover of Newsweek? Pretty provocative stuff. Al Mohler has an excellent post on Meacham's cover article. Check it out HERE . Is this good news? Bad news? Why? What do you think are the implications for the church?
Are you out of your MIND?! I know the Phillies did not have the best game yesterday. But... Just 17 minutes into the season opener the fans in Philadelphia started booing their team. Keep in mind the Phillies are the world champions! It was less than 20 minutes into the game! Just wondering.
Click HERE to listen to or download Sunday's sermon - "Behold The Cross" Over at Pyromaniacs Phil Johnson has posted, what I believe, are some spot-on observations about the panel discussion (above) on the Emergent Church at the recent Christian Book Expo. Check it out HERE . Your Thoughts?
Check out THIS REVIEW of Rob Bell's Velvet Elvis .
From Christianity Today : The shift towards pluralism has been long in coming. In his 1993 book, A Generation of Seekers: The Spiritual Journeys of the Baby Boom Generation, Roof reported that surveys of American baby boomers—Protestant, Catholic, or Jewish, liberal or conservative—all showed a...
Bonnie Erbe of US News and World Report suggests that in times of economic recession, choosing abortion is a good thing. I would offer more commentary but is it really needed? ‘Yes, it’s sad that this unwed, pregnant mother of three had no money for bus fare. It’s terrible that her boyfriend lost...
James MacDonald of Harvest Bible Chapel has posted some thoughts on Brian MacLaren and the responsibility to identify false teachers in the church. 1. Why Brian MacLaren is Like My Palm Pilot 2. The Public Rebuke of False Teachers
I know I have posted several reviews of The Shack but I keep getting asked about the book and it is still a best-seller. If you have read any of the other reviews I have posted then you already know that I am no fan of the book. Call me crazy but I'm pretty sure it's not a good idea to monkey...
The new book by Paul Tripp looks excellent. You can get a copy by clicking HERE . By the way, if you attend Church of the Saviour or live in the Philadelphia area Dr. Tripp is going to be with us for a weekend conference in January. More details to come!
You can listen to or download last Sunday's sermon, "God Will Provide the Lamb" HERE .
The Read-Nest
THIS leaves me utterly speachless. 4 Easy Requirements! Get it all done in one day! Be a part of history! Ughhh...
Shai Linne is a rapper that is, (are your ready?), biblical, reformed, and Gospel-driven. What is more, he is based right here in Philly. If you or your kids appreciate rap then introduce them to Shai Linne's work. His lyrics are outstanding. Check him out here: Lamp Mode Records Shai Linne's Blog...
I have posted this in the past but it is too good to not post again.
Thanks to Justin Taylor for posting these excellent resources for parents: In an earlier post I pointed to some resources for wrestling through the issues of the gospel, conversion, and assurance with our kids. One of the best resources I’ve found is the the Family Life Today radio interviews with...
The words above are a part of a statement used to describe pregnant women. It was said by President Obama's nominee to head the Office of Legal Counsel. Dawn Johnson has served as counsel to NARAL - The National Abortion Rights Action League. A survey of some of her public comments reveal a...
As many of you know the Obama administration is proposing a reduction in the amount of charitable giving that Americans earning $250,000 can deduct from their taxes. We are left to wonder what is the justification for such a truly bad idea. It will certainly reduce the amount given to charities and...
So they took Jesus, and he went out, bearing his own cross, to the place called The Place of a Skull, which in Aramaic is called Golgotha. There they crucified him, and with him two others, one on either side, and Jesus between them. Pilate also wrote an inscription and put it on the cross. It...
My youngest son has read four of these volumes and is looking forward to the fifth. They are excellent introductions to great lives in church history. There is also a Ten Girls series.
I was prompted to write these posts because of an exchange I had with Dr. Kent Sparks of Eastern University about the nature of Christ’s humanity. You can read the post and following comment thread HERE. It seems clear from the online conversation that one’s view of Scripture will necessarily...
HERE is a link to streaming video from Nightline's episode on the existence of Satan.
Falls Church , one of the oldest churches in the country is also solidly evangelical. After having been a blessed thorn in the side of its liberal overseers Falls Church finally broke with the American Episcopal church to come under the umbrella of the conservative African communion. Nationally...