Posts by Todd Pruitt

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Tony Jones, one of the kids playing about in the theological sand box called "the emergent church" has come to embrace yet one more heresy. He has now embraced the most roundly condemned heretic in the history of the church - Pelagius. Kevin DeYoung comments: Over at the Beliefnet blog, Tony Jones...
Trust me and watch THIS .
This Sunday I am preaching from 2 Corinthians 4 on how the Gospel must be the starting point for our "soul care." In studying for the message I have been using Scott Hafemann's outstanding commentary on 2 Corinthians in the NIV Application Commentary series. If you are planning on studying,...
The latest edition of Themelios includes an article by Jared Compton concerning the dual authorship of Scripture. It is particularly interesting considering some of the recent discussions on this blog. Compton writes: It was not too long ago that Kevin Vanhoozer answered the question Is There a...
Here are some suggestions for reading in the days leading up to Lent: The Cross He Bore by Frederick Leahy Jesus Keep Me Near the Cross Nancy Guthrie (ed.) Outrageous Mercy by William Farley 50 Reasons Why Jesus Came to Die by John Piper The Heart of the Cross by Boice & Ryken The Truth of the...
Al Mohler has an outstanding post on whether or not God is self-centered and megalomaniacal. He writes Is the God of the Bible the supreme egotist? That question arises when human beings contemplate the meaning of the truth that God does everything for the sake of his own glory. Is God then a...
You know the evidence for man-made global warming is bad when even the former vice president turned scientific snake oil salesman changes his alarmist propaganda tool. Check out the story from The New York Times HERE .
Miguel De La Torre of Illif School of Theology, in an article written for Associated Baptist Press offers some interesting exegesis on Matthew 15:21-28. He writes: In the fullness of Jesus' divinity, he had to learn how to be fully human. His family and culture were responsible for teaching him how...
INCARNATION GOD SENT HIS SON, TO SAVE US by J.I. Packer The Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us. We have seen his glory, the glory of the One and Only, who came from the Father, full of grace and truth. JOHN 1:14 Trinity and Incarnation belong together. The doctrine of the Trinity...
Westminster Seminary California held a conference in January called "Missional and Reformed." Check out the audio HERE .
One of the issues we have been touching on is whether or not the incarnation is a fitting analogy for Scripture. I am of the opinion that it is not a helpful model. In his chapter on the doctrine of Scripture in the helpful book Reforming or Conforming , theologian Paul Wells writes: The analogy is...
Click HERE to listen to or download today's sermon: The Gospel-Driven Church - Part 5 "Relationships: The Gospel and Conflict".
Why We're Not Emergent (By two guys who should be) The emergent church movement has been very influential. Certainly, some of the things they are saying ought to be said. Some of their critiques of the church in America today are spot on. But there are significant problems within the emergent...
In his review of Dr. Pete Enns' book Inspiration and Incarnation John Frame writes: "In the first section, I have a hard time seeing where the problem lies. Enns’ point is that Old Testament Israel spoke languages and had institutions (temples, prophets, priests, kings, legal codes) that were in...
"Perhaps the most revolutionary suggestion that can be made in contemporary theological debate is that the traditional viewpoint is not axiomatically wrong, that even among the heady outpouring of today's avant-garde exegetes, it may still sometimes be true that the old is better, not because it is...
The Christian Post reports: BISMARCK, N.D. – A measure approved by the North Dakota House gives a fertilized human egg the legal rights of a human being, a step that would essentially ban abortion in the state. The bill is a direct challenge to Roe v. Wade, the U.S. Supreme Court decision that...
From the earliest days of human existence the enemy has enticed men and women away from their Creator by challenging His truthfulness. It is the serpent sowing the seeds of doubt and rebellion the mind of Eve by his insidious question, "Hath God said?" Today the challenge is still being issued...
"Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved, a worker who has no need to be ashamed, rightly handling the word of truth." - 2 Timothy 2:15 "The source of all doctrinal disputes is that clever men wish to show off their abilities before the world, and Paul here lays down the best and...
A few years ago Al Mohler wrote an article reflecting on John Killinger's book "Ten Things I Learned Wrong from a Conservative Church." I read Killengers book when it was released. It is a powerful illustration of what happens when the Scriptures are abandoned as God's trustworthy and truthful Word...
"We contend for the objectivity of truth, and we must insist that all persons do actually believe in the objectivity of Truth. The fact is that even the relativists objectivize their own positions. The difference for us is that we know that truth exists in God, who is Truth, and whose Word is truth...
"I am afraid of an inward disease which appears to be growing and spreading in all the Churches of Christ throughout the world. That disease is a disposition on the part of ministers to abstain from all sharply-cut doctrine, and a distaste on the part of professing Christians for all distinct...
J.I. Packer's classic work Fundamentalism and the Word of God is now 50 years old. I encourage you to read it. I believe you will find that it helps to bolster your faith in the Bible as God's Word. The Bible excludes the idea of a frustrated Deity. ‘Whatsoever the Lord pleased, that did he in...
That's right. The french Citroen DS has been named the world's most beautiful sports car. Suddenly the universe holds a greater mystery than it has ever known. Read the sad story HERE if you dare. Any nominations for the car that should have won?
Kent Sparks and I met for lunch today. Since our relationship has played out a little bit on this blog I thought I would follow up. I had a great time with him. If you don't know Kent, he is a terrific guy. We talked about family, COS, life, theology, epistomology, and biblical studies - you know,...
Take time to watch, listen to, or read John Piper's sermon "Thank God for an Inspired Bible" by clicking HERE . Also, check out Dr. Piper's excellent message "Why I Trust the Scriptures" HERE .
"I should have run to the utmost lengths of sin, dived into the very depths of evil, nor should I have stopped at any vice or folly, if God had not restrained me. I feel that I should have been a very king of sinners, if God had let me alone. I cannot understand the reason why I am saved, except...
"Is the Bible Inerrant?" by Professor John Frame Quite a few people have suggested that "inerrant" is not a good word to use in describing Scripture. This article is designed to respond to that objection. Before we take up the specific term "inerrant," however, it will be well for us to remind...
"Divine trustworthiness is above all the trustworthiness of the divine speaking . Since the primary record and embodiment of this divine speaking is to be found in the Bible, which is quite literally 'the word of God,' we can speak of a trustworthy God only on the basis of a trustworthy Bible. If...
It has been brought to my attention that Dr. Kenton Sparks is connected to Church of the Saviour. He is either a member or has been a regular attendee. I do not know which. He has also served as a teacher in the young families department. If I had known this I would have contacted Dr. Sparks before...
"Holy Scripture, as the inspired Word of God witnessing authoritatively to Jesus Christ, may properly be called infallible and inerrant. These negative terms have a special value, for they explicitly safeguard crucial positive truths. "lnfallible signifies the quality of neither misleading nor...
Here are some great resources that help to answer that question: AUDIO "The Old Testament Documents: Are They Reliable" - A lecture by Dr. Peter Gentry "Why We Believe The Bible" - A Seminar by John Piper "The Sufficiency of Scripture" - Two Lectures by Dr. Albert Mohler "The Doctrine of the Word...
* I have changed the original title of this post because, upon further reflection I decided it was a bit snotty. One of the important functions of the pastor is to identify error. The church is constantly confronted with preaching, teaching, and literature that leads many of God's people into error...
I don't know if Oprah is or is not a nice person. That really is not the point. She is however a true believer. And what she believes is that she has a message of spiritual truth that must be delivered to the American people. It is a message which proclaims God to be a spiritual essence that...
The newest title to flow from the prolific John Piper concerns the doctrine of the regeneration or the new birth. I am very excited about this. There have been precious few books on this profoundly important topic. Here are a few endorsements: “Regeneration, or new birth, meaning simply the new you...
The New York Times reports on the return of indulgences to the Church of Rome: In recent months, dioceses around the world have been offering Catholics a spiritual benefit that fell out of favor decades ago — the indulgence, a sort of amnesty from punishment in the afterlife — and reminding them of...
Over at Boundless Jonathan Dodson writes: The phone rang. It was our worship leader. With trembling speech he said: "Hey man, it's an emergency. I made a huge mistake." Within minutes I was dealing with a broken worship leader, a moral failure, a threatened marriage and a leadership crisis. Weeks...
Ted Haggard who spent much of his ministry rallying support for conservative political causes now instructs the ignorant masses that the political right is getting it wrong. Says the newly insightful Haggard: “Just as the church made a horrible mistake several centuries ago insisting that the earth...
Click HERE to listen to Sunday's Sermon - "Mercy: The Overflow of the Gospel" from the current seriest The Gospel-Driven Church .
"We need a baptism of clear seeing. We desperately need seers who can see through the mist--Christian leaders with prophetic vision. Unless they come soon it will be too late for this generation. And if they do come we will no doubt crucify a few of them in the name of our worldly orthodoxy." - A.W...
"If God is not supreme in our preaching, where in this world will the people hear about the supremacy of God? If we do not spread a banquet of God's beauty on Sunday morning, will not our people seek in vain to satisfy their inconsolable longing with the cotton candy pleasures of pastimes and...
Arminian theologian Roger Olson has written a book entitled Finding God in The Shack . Tim Challies is writing a series of helpful reviews. Olson is a theologian (professor of theology at George W. Truett Theological Seminary of Baylor University) and in this book he purportedly “views The Shack...
In America, personhood is often determined by an inch or less. If any portion of a baby's body remains in the birth canal then he or she is afforded no status as a person. Sometimes even after the baby is completely delivered they are treated like trash to be thrown away. This is the ugly truth...
Check out the audio of this year's Desiring God Pastor's Conference by clicking HERE .
For the last few days I have been blessed to attend a workshop on biblical exposition held at Tenth Presbyterian. It has been a wonderful reminder of what is the central calling of the pastor. It is not to be a "social architect, change agent, or life coach." The ministry of the Word of God is the...
This is the question Dr. Denny Burk asks in an article published in the latest issue of the Southwestern Journal of Theology . Dr. Burk writes: As I said, in terms of definition, my aim here is not to rehash old debates about what inerrancy is. In light of the society’s recent actions, it is...
I saw this posted over at Ray Ortlun's blog: "Emasculated men are the norm. Most young men have brokenness with their fathers. Macho men are typically posers. They are hiding behind their toughness so others will not see their frailty. They hide behind their academia, their success, their busy-ness...
During my time in vocational ministry I have found much of the leadership material available for pastors to be profoundly unhelpful. However, this is not the case with Nine Marks Journal . A publication of Nine Marks Ministries , the journal is a monthly online resource that features articles,...
Click HERE to listen to or download last Sunday's sermon. It is part 3 in the series The Gospel-Driven Church and is entitled "Community: The Display of the Gospel."
I find myself wondering how long the church is going to play in the fields of social theory. It seems that one has to have a degree in sociology to share the gospel effectively. I know it seems terribly out of fashion but I am unimpressed and unconvinced by those who belabor the importance of...