"In God's School"

An English translation of Pierre Marcel's "In God's School" is now available. It is based upon the Heidelberg Catechism and is a wonderful tool for teaching the Christian faith. But make no mistake. "In God's School" will benefit new and mature believers, young and old. This is theology done well. It will enrich the mind and lead to devotion and doxology. Highly recommended.

"In God's School" is a course designed for students who desire to be introduced to the foundations of the Christian faith, and put the gospel of Christ into practice. It is also for those who wish to deepen their faith and sharpen the contours of Christian thought. For the teacher, this will not be a question of another "school" or method, but a special spur to spiritual vitality. Our knowledge of salvation can never be more than the Word of God, or such as God has revealed in the Holy Scriptures. It is a Word to which we may never add, and from which we must never take away. This is the only "School of God" in which the sinful creature learns to know and love his Creator, Savior, and Father, and at the same time learns to know himself and how to give God the honor of which He is worthy.

- From the Introduction

Order "In God's School" HERE.