Trevin Wax has posted an interesting interview with Marvin Olasky about his journey from Marxism to faith in Christ. This week, I am posting an interview with Dr. Marvin Olasky, provost of The King’s College in New York City, and the editor-in-chief of World magazine . We will be discussing Dr...
Russ Moore reviews "Where the Wild Things Are" movie: This past Saturday I took my three oldest sons to see the movie Where the Wild Things Are. Some Christians are all exercised about the fact that the movie might be too frightening for children. They’re wrong. The movie is not a great one, but...
From Al Mohler: "The battle is over. The victory has been won. There is no reasonable doubt as to what the final outcome of the struggle will be." Those are the words of John Shelby Spong, the retired Episcopal bishop of Newark, New Jersey. In his recently released "manifesto," Bishop Spong...
He [Luther] endorses every honest effort to reconcile problems to the extent possible: "Therefore answers that are given in support of the trustworthiness of Scripture serve a purpose, even though they may not be altogether reliable." His position is the same in connection with Haran's age, if...
Now Available: Speaking the Truth in Love: The Theology of John Frame From the Publisher: Speaking the Truth in Love: The Theology of John M. Frame is a Festschrift honoring Prof. Frame’s career in seminary teaching - but this book does not merely collect essays on the subjects of Frame’s interests...
Vaughn Roberts offers some keen insights into a very controversial subject. Why do we sing when we gather? What are the legitimate, biblical reasons? Are there reasons for singing in church that are common but unbiblical? In churches and Christian Unions all over the world, the time given to Bible...
Inspiration involved the direct work of the Spirit in the mind of the writer, so guiding his thoughts that what he wrote expressed the communication of God to his people. Hence, God is the primary author of Scripture. If Scripture is truly the word of God, then it reflects the attributes of God,...
Man, I hate saying, " I told you so ." Check out this story from Times Online . Q: Are there lessons to be learned about making over-bold claims in documentaries before research has been published? ES: Absolutely. Documentaries are extremely important for public understanding of science, so...
Here are some excellent books on the life and theology of John Calvin: The Legacy of John Calvin by David Hall John Calvin: A Heart for Devotion, Doctrine, Doxology ed. Burk Parsons John Calvin: Pilgrim and Pastor by Robert Godfrey Cambridge Companion to John Calvin ed. Donald McKim John Calvin by...
From The Gospel Coalition blog : The most harmful and deadliest export that America is giving to Africa is the Prosperity Gospel in the hands of Neo-pentecostals. They claim it is the gospel, but it is no gospel at all. Taking their cues from the folly of prosperity preachers in the U.S., those...