Today I departed from our series through Hebrews to deal with Jesus' words in Matthew 6:19-34. The title of the message is Money, Treasures, and Eternity and can be listened to or downloaded HERE .
[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vtFENgBUllA&hl=en&fs=1&]
I am not a cultural crusader in the Moral Majority sense. Christians are strangers and aliens here. American Christians, while valuing religious freedom ought to be more opposed than anyone else to the notion of a state sponsored church. Christians must approach politics very carefully in order to...
Great post from Russell Moore: At first glance, this is just another celebrity soap opera, and, frankly speaking, not a particularly shocking one. What interests me, though, is not that Letterman was doing “terrible things.” What else would I expect a man outside of Christ to do? What’s interesting...
I have the pleasure of serving on the board for Paul Tripp Ministries. Paul is a man who gets the gospel right. What is more, he has a heart for pastors and a vision for a healthy, vibrant church. Church of the Saviour will be hosting Paul on January 10-12 for a conference entitled "Your Walk with...
From a recent Colbert Report featuring an interview with famed atheist Richard Dawkins: Dawkins : “You asked me for the evidence for evolution, where’s the evidence for God?” Colbert : “Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups.” HT: USA Today online
“We are not really prepared for life until we are prepared for death. In California, at least, people are not really allowed to die. They just ‘pass away.’ Unlike the crosses in the churchyard that were once visible through the glass windows as people heard God’s Word and invoked His name for...
I forget the name of this church. It is located near the Philadelphia Museum of Art.
I have been waiting for a better price on Bruce Gordon's biography on John Calvin . It has received outstanding reviews and is being called the definitive Calvin biography. This month Gordon's book will be available at WTS Bookstore for a great price - $22.75. Check out Tim Challies' review HERE .
[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wxw4h2O4I-Y&hl=en&fs=1&]