I have a deep appreciation for the Puritans. They have been misunderstood and maligned. In recent decades however the Puritans have experienced a resurgence. They were not nearly the killjoys that they have often been portrayed to be. Certainly they were people of their time and cared deeply about...
My wife and I are fortunate enough to be in Bedford, PA attending Westminster Weekend. A few of Westminster's faculty will be speaking on the full trustworthiness of Scripture. I'm very thankful to be here. It's being held at the beautiful and historic Bedford Springs Hotel. Guys, if you're looking...
The break between J.I. Packer and Martin Lloyd Jones was a sad event. They are both heros to me. They were certainly wonderful gifts from God to His church. I have spoken to Carl about the schism. As a historian and a Brit Trueman has keen insight into those events. I'm posting this in part because...
From Chris Brauns at Ref21 : Donald Miller has a fascinating ability to engage readers as he reflects on the journey of his life. I first noticed this in Blue Like Jazz, later when I watched an interview , and, again last week when I read his latest book, A Million Miles in a Thousand Years (AMM)...
First photo - my two sons and a friend in New York Second photo - Baptist Church of the Great Valley in Valley Forge
In light of some comments made in June by a well placed presidential advisor I have some books you may want to read lest you too think Mao Tse Tung was a great "political philosopher." Mao: The Unkown Story by Chang and Halliday Life and Death in Shanghai by Nien Cheng Black Book of Communism
"Now notice what I said above, that the saints at the same time as they are righteous are also sinners; righteous because they believe in Christ, whose righteousness covers them and is imputed to them, but sinners because they do not fulfill the Law, are not without concupiscence, and are like sick...
Karen and I were blessed to be with the kind folks from Westminster Seminary this weekend. The teaching and the fellowship were terrific. I was encouraged by the vision and commitments of Dr. Lillback and the faculty. The theme of the event was "Full Confidence" - a reference to the inerrancy and...
Check out this link to some very helpful resources on the Bible's inerrancy.
Check out the Recommended Reading section of the website for Church of the Saviour. I have written blurbs for some of the books but still have quite a lot to do. The list is categorized and you can trust that all the books listed are worth reading.