Kevin Deyoung on the REAL way to reach out to younger people: In the church growth heyday, scholars and pastors were wrestling with how to reach out without dumbing down. Today I would argue that we reach out precisely by not dumbing down. The door is open like never before to challenge people with...
Check out classic sermons and lectures (Murray, Van Til, Clowney, Keller, etc) from Westminster Theological Seminary HERE .
Okay, I'll confess up front that I have not read Karen Armstrong's latest book "The Case for God." I gave up reading Armstrong because her views of God generally and Christianity specifically are so reprehensible. She is a former nun with a chip on her shoulder the size of Texas. At least that's...
Mark Dever is a hero to me. He is the kind of pastor I aspire to be. The video below is a surprise celebration hosted by his church to mark his 15th year as pastor. The men gathering across the front of the stage midway through the video are men mark has mentored who are now patoring churches...
Sunday's sermon was part 20 in our series through Hebrews - "The Forerunner of a Greater Priest" (Hebrews 7:1-10). You can listen to or download it HERE .
Thanks to Bart Barber for posting an outstanding article on the importance of the doctrine of the Bible's inerrancy. Barber postulates, I believe correctly, that many evangelicals are suffering from "inerrancy fatique." I think one of the evidences of this fatique is seen in the number of those...
Check out this excellent discussion on the Al Mohler Radio Program on the topic of how Christians ought to think about health care reform. Healthcare is in the media today, and at the top of the President’s domestic policy agenda. Is it wise for the government to provide healthcare for everyone?...
Last Sunday's sermon was part 10 in the Hebrew's series - "The Sabbath Rest" (Hebrews 4:1-5). You can listen to or download it HERE .
Using a concordance ought to require a license . The following video is just one more sad example of sloppy and kooky biblical exegesis. And as long as it sells there will continue to be an audience for "pin the tail on the anti-Christ." For some sanity and sound biblical studies check out: The Man...
I saw the following over at Tullian's blog ... Scotty Smith, Pastor for Preaching, Teaching, and Worship at Christ Community Church (PCA) in Franklin, Tennessee wrote the following prayer based upon Romans 12:17-21: "Do not repay anyone evil for evil. Be careful to do what is right in the eyes of...