Steve Camp posted some thoughts on a wonderful quote from the good bishop of Liverpool J.C. Ryle : "Young men, I want you all to be free from this bondage. I want each of you to care nothing about man's opinion, when the path of duty is clear." Here are a few of my thoughts: I'll be honest. I am a...
When you get a chance listen to Sinclair Ferguson's wonderful sermon on Jesus' parable of the Prodigal Son - "Slavery or Sonship" .
Joel Stein who writes for Time Magazine certainly comes across as smug and condescending. He is also no fan of Christians who take their confession seriously. In an article he wrote for Time.com in July he puts these "qualities" on display. However, he also stumbles upon some truth. What is more,...
I know about Judd Apatow. I know about his movies. I've seen almost half of "40 Year Old Virgin" but have not seen "Knocked Up." I have heard the buzz about his movies being a strange new brand of raunchy social conservatism - the South Park phenomenon as it were. His movies have been extremely...
[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B4Vicmwwo9M&hl=en&fs=1&]
Even as the emergent movement begins to slip into obscurity where it will eventually end up on the trash heap of other unhelpful fads that have harmed the church I am still frequently asked about it. Emergent is a notoriously slippery little bugger but there are nevertheless some things about it...
While serving as a pastor in Wichita, Kansas I had the honor of being connected with Choices Medical Clinic (a pro-life) medical clinic. They have had an awesome ministry. One of the creatively compassionate things that Choices provided for parents who discovered that their yet unborn child had a...
It seems that worship is too often limited to the topic of music. Since music is an emotional issue (in the church at least) this narrowing is probably why discussions concerning worship often generate more heat than light. There is also a tendency to assume that the forms of worship are completely...
Okay, I said my next post would be a review of the book "When Helping Hurts." However, I found this interview with the authors and thought it would be beneficial. I'll begin going into detail on this important book in the next post.
"We have to deal with a spirit, I know not how to denominate it, unless I call it a spirit of moderatism in the pulpits of protestant churches. Men have begun to rub off the rough edges of truth, to give up the doctrines of Luther and Zwingle, and Calvin, and to endeavour to accommodate them to...