When I came to Church of the Saviour one of my first priorities was to preach a series called "The Gospel-Driven Church." It is my prayer that the message of the doing, dying, and rising of Christ becomes the controling motif for how we interpret both our lives and the mission of the church. Bob...
You can check in on my growing number of book recommendations over at WTS Bookstore HERE . Scroll down to "non-denomiational" on the "choose denomination" filter. All but a few of the recommendations in that section are mine. You may also subcribe to my recommendations so that you are updated as...
Over at Church Matters Greg Gilbert has contributed some great posts dealing with the doctrine of the atonement. Among those posts Gilbert interacts with N.T. Wright who has become increasingly popular in evangelical circles. To be sure, Wright is an excellent scholar who has done particularly good...
Al Mohler raises some very important questions concerning the fate of fertilized human embryos: For most Americans, the moral status of the human embryo is a question that seems quite remote. Even as hundreds of thousands of "excess" human embryos are now stored in American fertility clinics and...
From Andreas Kostenberger : In a recent Zondervan publication, John Oswalt, long-time Old Testament scholar and author of the two-volume commentary on Isaiah in the NICOT series, discusses The Bible among the Myths . In light of recent controversial books by writers such as Peter Enns or Kenton...
Check out this excellent and important sermon from Al Mohler.
For the first time scientists have been able to photograph a single molecule. "For by him all things were created, in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or rulers or authorities—all things were created through him and for him. And he is before all things,...
The latest issues of 9 Marks Journal is dedicated to the subject of Church Discipline. It is, as always, worth reading.
As someone who loves music and is currently preaching through Hebrews I found the story of David Bazan compelling and sad. Bazan is a singer/songwriter who formerly fronted the Christian indie band Pedro the Lion . This article takes a look at his journey away from faith. I am wondering what you...
Carl Trueman's latest over at Ref21 is a timely warning about the dangers of personality cults within the church. Specifically, Trueman warns those of us who are among the "Young, Restless, and Reformed" crowd to watch out for this tendency. Check it out HERE .