From Gene Veith in an article he wrote for Modern Reformation : “Justification by faith alone” is surely the most important contribution of the Reformation. The second most important, arguably, is the “doctrine of vocation.” Whereas the doctrine of justification has wide currency, the doctrine of...
Recently President Obama signed a declaration proclaiming the month of June as "Lesbian, Gay, Bi-Sexual, Transgender Pride Month." Unfortunately, the churches in the Northeast (from what I could tell) seemed to be largely silent on the event. I, in an effort to not be accused of being too political...
Church of the Saviour where I have the privilege of serving as Senior Teaching Pastor will be hosting Paul Tripp in January. Paul will be speaking on the topic, "Your Walk with God is a Community Project." If you are familiar with Paul Tripp then you know of his commitment to the power and...
From J. Gresham Machen's provocative 1933 essay "The Responsibility of the Church in Our New Age": "The responsibility of the church in the new age is the same as its responsibility in every age. It is to testify that this world is lost in sin; that the span of human life--no, all the length of...
Westminster Theological Seminary has distributed copies of Dr. Vern Poythress' brilliant work "Redeeming Science" to over 15,000 science teachers and students across the U.S. If you have any interest at all in the intersection of science and theology Dr. Poythress' book is well worth reading. Also...
For the next two Sundays I am going to be preaching from Hebrews 6:4-12 which contains perhaps the most challenging and certainly the most controversial passage in the book. It is a sober warning against apostasy. But the quesiton remains, is it possible for a truly regenerate person to fall away...
Al Mohler's new book, "Words From the Fire" is a study of the Ten Commandments. It will be I am sure, like all things Mohler writes, well worth the reading. Lord willing, I'm picking up my copy tomorrow.
Today is a sobering anniversary. Who can forget sitting in front of their TV or listening in shock to the radio as the unspeakable evil of 9/11/2001 unfolded? For Christians, may today be an occasion for sober reflection and prayer. May we do what Jesus instructed when asked about tragedy and evil...
On September 16, 2001 John Piper preached a message entitled, "Sorrow, Self-Humbling, and Steady Hope in Our Savior and King Jesus Christ." In those day immediately after the terrorist attacks it was vital for God's people to have their gaze directed heavenward. When you have a chance take time to...
What does it mean for Christians to be good citizens? What does it mean to be resident aliens? Often times Christians have become cultural crusaders or political activists. But is this the way we are to function in the world? Are we to abandon politics altogether or ignore what happens in the...