Let me begin with a disclaimer. This post does not reflect my own state of mind. I am one of those fortunate pastors who has served two churches who have cared for and loved me. Of course it is possible that there is right now a contingent of people who want my head on a platter but so far...
Yesterday's message was part 11 in the series through Hebrews - "Strive to Enter God's Rest" (Heb. 4:6-11). You can download or listen to it HERE .
Recently the White Horse Inn broadcast two very helpful discussions on "Paul's missional approach in the first century." Michael Horton and the panel appeal to Colossians for insight into how Christians engage a culture that is increasingly post-Christian. Listen HERE and HERE .
http://www.tangle.com/flash/swf/flvplayer.swf I was blessed to be Gracia's pastor in Wichita. She's a great woman and a good friend. Find out more about her ministry HERE .
Carl Trueman's latest entry over at Ref21 deals with our "cult of options" and the lonliness and even hostility that is experienced by the leader who dares to make choices. Certainly, much of the culture surrounding Christianity at the moment militates against the kind of commitment that making a...
One of my favorite sites on the web is Monergism.com . It is an outstanding resource for study and devotion. Monergism has a wealth of theological resources ranging from articles, audio, a bookstore, a blog, and more. Check out their bookstore for great prices on great books. Also, if you have any...
Let our hearts admit, "I am poor and weak. Satan is too subtle, too cunning, too powerful; he watches constantly for advantages over my soul. The world presses in upon me with all sorts of pressures, pleas, and pretences. My own corruption is violent, tumultuous, enticing, and entangling. As it...
I have been preaching through the book of Hebrews in recent weeks. Thus far we are about half way through chapter four. With its warning passages Hebrews gives ample opportunity to reflect on the nature of apostasy and the doctrine of Perseverance of the Saints. Monergism provides links to some...
Over at Between Two Worlds , Andy Naselli has posted an interesting interview with Randy Alcorn. Among the things discussed is Alcorn's new book, If God Is So Good... It's definitely worth the read. I highly recommend Alcorn's book Money, Possessions, and Eternity .